12 | Rainbow Caterpillar and The Chair Pile

Start from the beginning

"Take a seat," he boomed, pointing sternly at the seat opposite him.

I sat at the edge of the chair, chewing nervously on my bottom lip.

"Don't look so upset kid, you're not in trouble. Not that much anyway." He grinned suddenly. "I really called you here to thank you."

I stared at him in shock as he handed me an envelope of cash.

"Take it," he insisted, "And I hope you'll consider taking on any future orders. The customers were really happy, and the decorations were fantastic."

"Thank you, Sir," I mumbled, "And I really am sorry about the other day."

He waved me off, a twinkle in his eye. "Get out of here."

I thanked him again and left the room. Wandering down the corridor, I wondered whether Everett had gone downstairs already.

"Uh...Everett?" I called out softly.

"Come in," came a muffled voice from behind a door. I opened it cautiously, stepping into Everett's bedroom.

The walls were painted butter yellow and emblazoned with colorful posters and rainbow stickers. Knickknacks littered every surface, and there were clothes piled on a chair and strewn around the floor. A large bay window overlooking the garden was piled with cushions and plushies, as was the bed.

There were a few rainbow heart plushies scattered around and one that was half an avocado. I picked up a large caterpillar plushie which had each of its segments in a different colour.

"Oh sorry, it is so gay in here," Everett joked, pointing at the caterpillar, "His name is rainbow by the way."

I smiled. "I like it."

Everett ran a hand through his dark curls, getting his fingers stuck in a knot almost immediately. He just shook his head and detangled his hand, not bothering to pick up a brush.

"Hang on, I'm gonna change my shirt and then we can leave," he said, pulling out another yellow T-shirt from the chair pile. It looked almost identical to the one he already had on.

He took his shirt off before I could leave the room; I didn't even have time to look away. I tried my best to look anywhere else but him, but he got his head stuck in the process of yanking it off.

The warm light streaming through the large bay window lit his body in a yellow glow. His muscles were lean and defined, slight but well-sculpted around his chest and torso.

I hurriedly turned my attention to a poster as his head finally came unstuck.

"Hey are you okay?" Everett asked, sounding a bit concerned, "Should I close the window, you're looking a bit hot."

"Hot?" My voice came out weird and horribly squeaky. I stared at the poster some more.

"I mean, you are very red." I could hear the smile in his voice. "Do you like that band?"

"Yes I love it!" I exclaimed, "Definitely one of the best bands."

I had never heard of it.

"Ooh really? What's your favourite song of theirs?" he asked excitedly, "Most people have never heard of them, I never meet other fans."

"Oh uh...um." I stared at him and he stared back expectantly. His eyes were so freaking pretty. "I like all of them?"

He narrowed his pretty eyes. "You don't know them, do you?"

"Not really," I admitted, my flush deepening, "I don't know why I pretended to."

"Did you want me to think you were cool?" Everett teased, "And think you listen to cool music?"

"Maybe." I smiled despite myself. "You'll have to introduce me to all the cool music."

"I'll share my Spotify playlist," he promised, "And I wanna hear yours too!"

"Okay...but I don't really have that many saved."

"Don't worry, we're going to fix that." He winked.

Like if Everett's dad seems cool  ᵔ ◞ ᵔ

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Like if Everett's dad seems cool ᵔ ◞ ᵔ

Comment your favourite song! Mine is summertime by MCR :)


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