Chapter 4 - Good Morning

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P.O.V Jamie

Beep Beep Beep

I rolled over and grabbed my phone, switching off the alarm. The time read 6:15 am. It was Tuesday which meant I had swim practice at 7:00. During the off-season we only have practice twice a week in the mornings (thankfully our pool is indoors).

I scrolled through TikTok for a few minutes before sluggishly getting out of bed. Then I walked to my dresser and grabbed one of my speedos. I headed into the bathroom a took a piss before changing into my suit and brushing my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror while the bristles ran along my teeth. My torso was unusually long like most swimmers so my build was much skinnier compared to that of my bulky brothers. But I don't mind, I like the way I look.

I turned off the water and pushed a towel into my face. My light brown hair stuck up in every direction but that didn't matter since I would be covering it with a swim cap. I groggily rubbed my eyes and turned the handle to open the bathroom door.

"Oh ho ho! Look who it is! Whiz!" John grinned.

"J-John, w-what are y-you doing up this early?" My eyes widened with fear.

"I knew you'd have swim this morning so I figured I'd get up early for you. Because, you know, I have to get you all back for everything that happened this weekend."

He looked down at my swim suit and bent over, laughing.

"Seriously Jamie? A speedo?" He said in-between chuckles.

"Everyone on the team wears them!" I said defensively.

I'd much rather wear the long shorts but our coach doesn't allow it.

"Yeah that's because you play a gay-ass sport."

"Come on John, I have to get to practice." I said walking towards the door.

He blocked the exit.

"Not so fast." He stopped me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "You're in for a whole world of hurt for what you helped Kyle do to me this weekend."

"And if you ever even think about telling anyone outside of this house a word about what happened, you're dead. Got it?" He tightened his grip on my shoulder.

I nodded quickly.

"Good... Cup check!" He used the back of his hand to aggressively hit me in the nuts.

I instinctively grabbed my balls and let out a small groan.

"We d-don't wear c-cups John." I said through gritted teeth.

"No duh, loser. I knew you'd feel it, that's why I hit you twice as hard."

My face began turning red and I soon found it harder to breathe.

"I just hope you can get to your inhaler in time." John snickered.

My heart raced.

No way he'd let me fall into an serious asthma attack... Right?

I wasn't going to take that chance.

I stood up slightly from my hunched over position and began hobbling towards my room.

John followed behind me.

What a dick.

I leaned onto the edge of my bed and grabbed my inhaler from my nightstand, shaking it, and then inhaling twice.

I felt the air fill back into my lungs.

John stood grinning in the doorway.

"You better leave soon or you'll be late. Oh, and put some clothes on. No one wants to see your skinny body." He made a disgusted face and left.

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