
155 3 5

R: ranboo




and the others :l

Tubbo POV:

as we were on our way home i fell asleep. I'm assuming ranboo  carried me in.

the sun woke me up as it was shining right in my eyes. it was very annoying.  i saw ranboo laying behind me so i rolled over and cuddled into the crook of his neck.  I'm so glad this happened. i wonder what we would be doing if we didn't start dating. 

"morning love" -R

"morning" -T

love? new nick name i guess.

"did you sleep well? -R

"yes! how did you sleep?" i say sitting up.

"better" -R

"can we have pancakes? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee" -T

"hmmmmmm.....fine. just a few more minutes....."-R

i nod my head and got up and went downstairs.


very short chapter sorry! but question , should i make this an 



3. fluff to against and back to fluff :D


bye bye! have a good day/aternoon/night

make sure you drink some water

and eat some food

/\_/\                                                                                                                                                                                              ( o^o)                                                                                                                                                                                            / > *>                                                                                                                                                                                             

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