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ranboos Pov when they were walking home:

as we were walking home, we were holding hands and i was blushing a LOT i tried not to make it obvious, but it was really obvious. When we got home, we took off our shoes and tubbo went and got some water. " Here you go boo!" he says to me as he hands it to me. "Thanks tubs!" we go and sit down on the couch and i put in a movie. tubbo had cuddled up against my arm hugging my arm with his head on my shoulder. i adjust the situation a bit and put my arm around his shoulders and make it to where he is hugging my body. we both sat there watching the movie and (just like every fanfic i have read:) i noticed tubbo had fallen asleep. i chuckle and adjust us again to where I'm laying down and he is on top of me resting his head on my chest. it was still the afternoon but after that walk we were both pretty tired, so it felt good to take a nap. before i fell asleep i turned the tv off and kissed tubs head. then i fell asleep hugging him close ti me.


time skip 

when they wake up


tubbos Pov

i wake up on top of ranboo and him hugging me slightly. i was a little flustered but i just stayed there. i thought about what happened on our walk earlier. i was really happy that he likes me back. i feel his arms move off me and look up to see a tired but smiley ranboo. " why, good afternoon boo.''  i say in a funny voice to try and make him laugh and gladly it did." hi tubs" he replies and i smile at him. i sit up as does ranboo. (if that is confusing it just meant that he also sat up) " we should do a baking stream while we cook dinner!"

" hmmmmm that sound fun! but what should we make?" -ranboo

we sat there for a second a thought about it.

" Oh! i know, we should make some spaghetti and meat balls or like a hmmmm... " - tubbo

" how about we just do spaghetti" he says to me as he smiles. "kk!"

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