Chapter 2

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You and deeks arrive at the ncis building when you saw all of your old teams so you walk up to them and ask what they are doing here. You are all working the same case so they tell your bosses what they know and you tell them everything you know except you know everything about the case. You know what's going to happen the person behind it all will frame someone else. You walk off to the bathroom not know Olivia was following you. When you turned around you saw Olivia.
What can I do for you liv? You asked her
You can tell me what you know and why you came here she replied
Well I know the perp will end up framing someone else so we are investing this whole case for nothing so why do we bother? You ask her
We are doing this to give closure to families to those who have lost someone a gruesome way and that's why we investigate to give those families closure to make sure nothing bad happened to the person they lost and we will Catch this perp. Olivia replied
No you won't you know why because I know who did I know everything about this case and I have seen this person get away every time and I know he is going to frame someone else liv he always gets away with it we won't be able to catch trust me I have tried and I was one of the people he has tried to hurt. You replied to liv

You leave the bathroom grab your stuff and leave and tell your team you will see them tomorrow and left but you also left liv shocked at what you told her

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