*+* Explanation..? *+*

18 0 0

"Well.. it's pretty uh.. difficult, to explain-"

"You should try, and probably quickly. As much as I'd like you to stay, my parents wouldn't be happy."

"Yeah- y'know, this would be a lot easier tomorrow."


"Yeah. Just sneak out at 17:00."

"Easier said than done.." I spoke, mentally counting to convert that to the 12 hour clock.

"I'll come get you!"

"5pm- Pfffft you'll come-"


We both began to laugh, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded, watching as she put her mask back on and climbed out of the window. I shut it behind her, sighing. My mind was still processing what just happened as I climbed into bed, going to sleep.

February 2nd, 2023

I stared at my clock, it was currently 4:50pm. I had told my parents I was on a call with Teresa, but in reality, I wasn't. I was waiting for Demi to get here. I stared at the note I had on my desk to make sure my parents didn't worry. And then I heard a few soft knocks on my window.

I walked over, opening it.


I nodded, sticking one of my legs out of the window. I didn't realize how scary it would be, even if it is just a one story house, minus the attic. I proceeded to fall, landing on Demi, accidentally pushing her down as well.

"Shit, sorry!" I got up, brushing myself off and extending a hand to help her up.

"Don't worry, it's fine!" She spoke, grabbing onto my hand and lifting herself up.

I turned around, closing the window quietly as I walked with her to the front of my house.

"I- A motorcycle?! Do you even know how to drive?"

"I.. I know enough."

"We're gonna die, aren't we?"

She sighed, "I hope not."

Demi got onto the motorcycle. It took me a few tries, but I eventually got it.

"Hold on tight!"

I wrapped my arms around her torso as she began to drive.

"WE DON'T EVEN HAVE HELMETS!" I yelled, since the air going in our ears block some of the sound out.


Eventually we got to an alleyway, as she stopped the motorcycle and got off. I grabbed her extended hand to help myself get off as well.


"This might be a while.."

"So y'know how I was in the U.K.?"

"Yeah. How did you even get here?"

"With this."

She pulled out a vial. The liquid wasn't something I recognized.

"..What is it?"

"It's a potion. If you drink it, it lets you teleport anywhere you'd like. You have to drink it every time you'd wanna teleport, though."

I stood in shock. That's a thing?!

"What..- Where did you get it?!"

"It's a secret!"

"Oh c'mon! This is.. crazy! How does this even exist?!"

Demi sighed, pulling a device out of her other pocket. "I got it with this."

"..And what is that?"

"It's a teleporter. Not a normal one, though. It's a.."

now you get to wait :>

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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