*+* Breaking In *+*

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February 1st, 2023

I was on a Google Meet call with Tiana. Of course we talked about the most random shit. For example, we once had a conversation simply about cookies. I mean, I get my name online is Cookie, but did we seriously have to talk about cookies in our spare time?

I turned my head to my window. The Monster High blanket I was using as a curtain was on the ground, as my kitten thought it would be a good idea to climb it. Oh well, my dad will put it back up tomorrow. And then I realized Teresa was talking to me.





We both laughed it off and continued with our conversation before, until I heard soft knocks coming from my window.

It was dark, it was about 11:30pm. (23:30?) I couldn't see anything except the reflection from my monitor, which made me anxious. The soft knocking continued, until I saw my window open.

My eyes widened, muting myself on the call with Tiana. I got up, and right as I was about to go tell my parents, a feminine figure climbed into my room and shut the window.

"It's really cold out, y'know?"

Their clothing was dark, and they were wearing a hood along with a mask. My light was turned off, so I couldn't see much other features. I opened my mouth to speak, but they quickly walked over to me and covered my mouth.

They whispered, "Shh.. If you're too loud, your family will hear you."

My whole body was shaking. Their eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, and I could see a few blonde strands coming from their hood.

"Biscuit.. don't you recognize me?"

I shook my head. I was too shocked to take note of anything, let alone recognize someone who's covering up the majority of their appearance with a voice I've never heard before.

Wait a minute.. there's only one person who calls me-

"What a shame.. I'd have thought you'd recognize your own girlfriend." She whispered into my ear, tracing her finger down my cheek.

"W-Wh-" I looked at her. I had so many questions, I didn't know whether or not to believe it. So many things didn't add up. Yet, a part of me really believed they were telling the truth.

She pulled down her mask, smiling as if she'd accomplished her life goal. I stood there in shock for a moment, until finally wrapping my arms around her. She happily returned my hug.

"So.. how-"

"You're still in a call, y'know."

"Ah, fuck-"

I sat down in my chair, finally getting the time to look away from Demi. In this time, I covered my face, knowing I was blushing a lot. I completely forgot about what I sat down to do.

"..The call-"


I quickly got off the call with Tiana with no context. I didn't even unmute to tell her I was leaving. She wouldn't mind, right? After all, she did say she was tired earlier.

And then it really clicked that I'm seeing my girlfriend face to face for the first time. My hair isn't brushed and my clothing isn't the best either. Fuck my life.

"Uhm.. I probably have loads of explaining to do."


For those who are wondering, no Demi did not break into my house. It's all made up!

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