Chapter 8: Preparation

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The day after the terrorist attack, Dante walks into the building. Although things aren't as hectic as yesterday, there are still a number of medical staff milling about and squads of hunters mobilizing. Dante weaves past all the units and makes his way to the med bay.

There, he sees a large, white room with rows on rows of beds separated by curtains. At the beds, nursing staff tend to the machines and the patients. He walks down the floor, trying his best not to get in anyone's way, when he spots him. May's blue hair pops out from the colourless backdrop. To Dante's surprise, May has two other visitors, quietly chatting by his bedside.

"How's his condition?" Dante asks.

"Dante?" Ilia blurts out. "What are you doing here?"

"To check up on May, what else?"

Julie crosses her legs. "The nurses said his condition is stable for now, but he definitely took a beating."

"It might take months for him to recover." Ilia slumps. "I just wish I was there. There must've been something I could've done." He murmurs to himself.

"Not your fault. Those terrorists were tough. It was my job to do better."

The entire time, Julie had been violently tapping her feet on the tiles. "What the fuck was up with those terrorists anyways? What do they expect to gain from this? You're part of the legends, do you guys know anything?"

"I wouldn't know. Besides, it's also too early. It's only been a day." Julie sighs. She knows Dante is right, but she can't help but feel frustrated at the entire situation.

Julie suddenly shoots straight up. "I know this might not be my place, but I want to stick it to those fuckers. Is there anything I can do to help?" She turns to Dante.

"Not as you are."


Dante cuts her off. "There is something you can do though."


Dante nods. "Do you want to help?" He looks to Ilia.

"Yeah, if you'll have me."

Dante holds a finger up in the air. "Ilia and... Julie... right?" He points to each of them, one after the other.

"How'd you know?" Ilia asks.

"Doesn't matter, lets go you two."

Hopping into Dante's car, he leads the two of them to a hill on the outskirts of town, far enough away from other people. "Alright, first things first, the three of us are gonna have a sparring match. You two against me." He says, stepping out of his car.

"Sparring match? Like, with our weapons?" Ilia asks.

"Yeah, how else?"

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"I'll be gentle, don't worry. The most you'll have are bruises, trust me."

"I'm down! I've always wanted to tango with a legend!" Julie shouts.

"That's the spirit! Don't hold back, lets do this." Dante says, resting his sword on his shoulder.

With a smile, Julie grabs her yoyo and flings it at Dante. In that moment, it's as if a switch flipped in Dante. He went from a chill, cocky dude to a bloodthirsty predator. He steps out of the way of the yoyo and closes the gap to Julie in an instant. Julie is only able to track Dante's actions thanks to the demon arm implanted at her spine, and even then it's a struggle.

She unfolds the mantis blade in her arm and steps back, but it's not enough. Dante stabs his sword into the ground. When he does, it expands violently, launching dirt and pressure into Julie's face. She stumbles back. Dante takes advantage of the opportunity, slashing at Julie. She manages to block one strike, but Dante doesn't let up. They exchange a few blows, with Julie fully being on the defensive. But she can tell if this continues, she'll lose. She tries a final hail Mary, charging up the blinding device in her wrist.

Die A Fucking Legend: Neon RavenWhere stories live. Discover now