Chapter 9:

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A lone security guard curses to himself as he watches the time tick by. "Why did everyone else get a day off but me? I'm going to file a complaint after this." He sighs, reaching over for his bag of chips and taking a few bites. He turns back to the array of monitors that he has to oversee. Each one is a CCTV feed of various streets of New Hel's Edge. On a timer, the screens cycle through a pre-determined list of cams.

From the corner of his eye, he notices something. When he looks over, the screen had already swapped to a different camera. "Must've been a glitch." He thought to himself. Still, it behooves him to keep a closer eye on that screen.

Minutes later, the screen returns to the camera that caught his attention and sees it. He prays his eyes are playing tricks on him and leans in closer. The screen automatically swaps and the guard presses a key on the panel to return. It's still there. His heart sinks.

"____!" When he speaks, his mouth moves, but no sound comes out. He felt how his voice strained in surprise as he shouted at the top of his lungs, he was sure he shouted. But no sound escaped. Fear materializes on his brow as beads of sweat. "Why did this have to happen on my shift?"

He looks down at his panel and presses the buttons to start the protocol. On a small screen above the buttons, red words flash. ERROR 515. "Error?" He reads aloud. "Damn it! Not now! I have to report this to someone!" He turns and rushes towards the door. But just as he reaches to turn the knob, the door swings open. Behind, a figure emerges. He looks up at the large man. "Sir?" He asks.

Meanwhile at an apartment in the city, muffled sounds can be heard from behind a bedroom door. Inside, a naked Dante rocks his hips back and forth, while his hand caresses a woman's breast. A second woman straddles across her face, moaning from the sensation of a tongue lapping against her.

Dante looks to the other woman and reaches for her. The two lock lips, their tongues entwining with one another. Dante, feeling himself getting close, breaks away and fastens both hands around the hips of the woman he's inside. He picks up his pace. The bed creaks from the motion. Their moans get louder and louder.

He grunts, spearing her with his manhood. The two respond in kind with ecstatic moans. The three take a brief moment of respite before separating. Dante grabs a glass of alcohol from the nightstand. The cubes of ice clink against the glass as he takes a sip.

The women caress each other in bed. One of them reaches for a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. They pass around the lit tobacco, each taking a single puff from the comfort of the others arms.

Dante walks over to the other side of the bed and moves aside the curtains in front of the window. He stares out at the city, sipping his drink. He watches the nighttime crowds go about their day. The blinding, city lights reflecting across the row of apartment windows. A small smile appears on his face. I love this city. He thinks to himself.

But tonight, something feels off. Is it how the day passed? Did he not do enough? Is he worried about May and his friends? Or is it something else entirely? These questions circle above his head like a coming monsoon.

Then, he's brought back to reality. No, something about the city itself. Isn't it supposed to be... bigger? He looks further out and finds the culprit for his sense of unease. At a point, the city seems to just end. It ends where it shouldn't. A stark, almost impossible wall of black looms in the background, obscuring the city that should exist. And it's growing. Slowly, but steadily. What the fuck?

Behind him, one of the women gets behind him and presses her body into his back. For a moment, he can't help but focus against the two mounds squishing against him. A hand wraps over his shoulder, while the other reaches down and gently strokes him. "Up for another round, big boy?" He almost takes her up on the offer.

Die A Fucking Legend: Neon RavenWhere stories live. Discover now