Chapter 20 - Our Final Farewell

Start from the beginning

Gwen: "But I worked so hard... I earned the right to fight alongside you."

Brook: "I know. And we couldn't be prouder, but... Gwen, Laboon... we would do anything we could to protect you. Even if it were to cause us to meet our own demise. We would dive headfirst to help you."

His voice broke and I looked up to see he was crying too.

Gwen: "Brook...?"

Brook: "You have to understand... please... I don't want to bid farewell either! Of course not! Not having you with us... It'll be hard for me too. You're my best friends... And I feel a strong sense of duty to keep you both safe... no matter what. Even if it means... being apart for a while."

Laboon and I tried to understand. I sat in Brook's lap, staring out at the horizon. I thought about how hard it must've been for everyone to have made the decision to leave part of their family behind. They decided with a heavy heart, all for the sake of keeping Laboon and me safe. The sky gradually turned from blue, to pink, to orange and yellow.

Brook: "The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. I think you two have the perfect view of it."

Gwen: "...... It is pretty..."

Brook: "You can see it every night. Under a clear, safe sky."

Gwen: "You watch it too, Brook. Then I'll know... we'll all be looking the same way."

Brook: "I promise I will. It'll be our special sunset."

I took out my dagger and held it up, the steel blade reflecting the pinkish-orange light.

Gwen: "What will I need this for then? If not to protect my ship and crew."

Brook: "Well, that was only half the vow you made. Do you remember the other half?"

Gwen: "... To protect Laboon, and myself..."

Brook: "Then that's it. Never stop practicing, Gwen. Because you never know. I imagine all sorts of pirates will come down this mountain. But you'll be ready if any try to hurt you or your brother."

I nodded, understanding.

Gwen: "I'll be ready...... Speaking of, I named my dagger."

Brook: "Yohoho, really?"

Gwen: "Yeah. All good swordsmen name their blades."

Brook: "Hm... maybe I'll think about that too. What did you name your dagger?"

Gwen: "Based on the technique both you and captain Yorki taught me... 'Humming Steel'."

Brook: "Yohohoho, impressive! But... what technique?"

Gwen: "You taught me to sing when I'm scared and captain taught me to hum during a fight, to help me focus. Besides, I'm a Rumbar and a musician."

Brook smiled and stroked my head, making me look up at him.

Brook: "You sure are... And that reminds me! I have something for you."

He lifted me up and I sat beside him.

Brook: "Close your eyes~"

I did so for a minute. Laboon chirped excitedly as he put it in my lap. I opened my eyes and gasped to see a violin and bow.

Gwen: "Brook... I... this is for me?"

Brook: "Yohoho, yes. Don't worry, I still have mine."

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