"Where's the footage?" Foley gestured at the computer that Kal'tsit had, causing the Elite Operator to near march over to take a look. Seeing the crown for himself. Kal'tsit finally stood, going over to the Doctor and reaching for the book shelves. As she was shifting through the titles, Scout was taking it in. The sight of the crown made him stumble a bit, and then look at Amiya. The little Cautus' ear twitched, but she was still resting comfortably, still feeling drained.

Outside of the office, Ace, Closure, and several others that were once apart of Babel tried to peak in through the office door window and listen to the conversation. "What are they saying?" Closure asks, peaking through the window, causing Ace to make a 'shush' gesture at her.

Kal'tsit had produced a book from the shelf and was flipping it open, "I am sure you folks are not familiar with old history of Terra, but I'll give you a run down, so listen." The UN Commanders in the room just simply hit their headsets and activated the recording mode. They were going to listen, sure, but they wanted to get this as a recording just to make processing the data later on much easier.

"In the Terran year of 1084, a nation somewhere to the south-southwest of here, was undergoing a new period of strife and conflict. Another Civil War," Kal'tsit was stoic, trying to explain the conflict to the Earthlings. "A brand new civil war between Theresa," she was able to pull up a picture of the former King and shows it to the Earthlings, flipping the page, "and her brother, Theresis." The Doctor listened intently, Scout on standby, listening to the story of the war in the land that he was suppose to call home.

She starts walking around, "Due to the fact that Theresis and the Military Commission held slightly more power, or that is what I assume... Theresa was exiled to this Landship in 1084, just around the end of the year. From here, we established a counter group known as Babel," that name immediately caused the eyebrows of the commanders, "that group was initially established to begin the process of fighting Theresis back and to restore peace and stability to the country."

"However, in the year 1085, Theresis seemed to have gotten bold, because a week after the exile of Theresa to this Landship, the stars above, they stopped moving rapidly and became more consistent, and judging from some propaganda that was coming out, Theresis believed that the skies themselves finally came to a still for the 'Right cause'..."

"When the stars stopped moving and changing... how long was this?" Foley questioned, putting his arms at his sides. Ka'ltsit looked at him and responded. The Earthlings felt something off, and felt something familiar. They needed to know something. If the time period lined up, then something starts to make sense about the stars.

"About 12-13 years ago, why do you ask?" One of the UN Commanders sharply inhaled, bringing all attention to him. He finally had a realization, and he was getting his tablet up just to confirm it.

"The Seeding Event..." The event that radically changed the Solar System.

Kal'tsit looked at him skeptically, thinking she'll investigate that later when she is done. After a moment of silence, letting that information sink in. she continued, "In the Autumn of 1094, Theresis and the Military Commission made an attempt to launch a decapitation strike on us..." she stopped for a second, thinking if she should continue. With a shake of her head, she went on, "Theresa was... already dead, for reasons I am not sure, nor was the rest of us sure..." she subtly sent a glare towards the doctor, which went unnoticed by the UN Commanders. She had stopped. She didn't want to say too much.

"She is the reason why we are willing to cooperate, your organization shares much of her own ideals, as well as our own goals," Kal'tsit continued, setting the book down, leaving a picture of the crown on the exposed page, as well as something written in Sarkaz. "Other than the other mutual interests we share with you. Theresa is also..." she briefly had some look through the stoicism, unveiling a level of tiredness for a millisecond, before she straightened, "A close figure for us in Rhodes Island."

Arknights: Starsfall INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ