Hot Writing Prompts (91-101)

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91. All the self-doubt of a teenager, all the wisdom of an ancient. President.

92. How would the largest library in the galaxy be organized?

93. Shipwreck as metaphor for marriage.

94. “You can do it,” they told me. “You can keep climbing.”

The end is in sight, and yet I despair.

I’d made fifteen bad choices and two good ones leading to this day, and I’d never regret the good ones.

95. It’s someone’s job to quality-check processed chickens. What is their favorite part of their job?

96. The first shoot of the first tree burst into the world in a soft gasp, naked and alone.

97. Pick your favorite action story. Make one of the characters a child. What changes? What doesn’t?

98. Write a story that’s James Herriot meets Bram Stoker.

99. Write the story you’ve always wanted to read.

100. Your terminally ill character has no heirs to leave her possessions to, so she decides 


101. “Boy, do I wish I had stayed at home.” I said to myself. "Coming along on this excursion 

was a real mistake!" Little did I know how I was to feel about it later.


101 Hot Writing Prompts || By : Boyd Nash Where stories live. Discover now