Hot Writing Prompts (41-50)

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41. List all the types of beards you can think of. Pick two to have a fight. Develop characters based on who would wear them.

42. “Hanging out the laundry is the sexiest thing you can do for a man,” my grandmother told me.

43. The autumn sun glinted off of the two coins in the street.

44. How do children succeed on a different planet?

45. What was the childhood fear that still haunts you?

46. Write about your life as if you’d never petted a dog.

47. Pick your favorite literary character. Write their death scene. If already done, write their birth scene.

48. What would my life have been like if I had never stepped on that train? If my mother had never climbed on beside me to die?

If we hadn’t wasted two generations to useless war?

49. What have you taught yourself? Write a scene where a character learns that skill.

50. You show up to breakfast with the worst hangover of your life. Your wife drops the glass she's holding.

She expected the poison to kill you.


101 Hot Writing Prompts || By : Boyd Nash Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora