Hot Writing Prompts (81-90)

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81. An inheritance:

- Ten thousand dollars of debt

-One hundred spools of thread

-A map, yellowed, with a note in the corner

82. An infant under the dissecting knife, dead dog’s bones hanging from the rafters – scholar or madman?

83. An old man, a profound regret. How did one man decide the fate of a kingdom?

84. Modern day slavery.

85. Death at a concert. Expected, yet horrific.

86. Mayan religion meets alien technology.

87. What does financial wisdom look like in a world of abundance?

88. Rewrite a fairy tale from the point of view of the villain – make them odious, make the reader cheer on the original hero or heroine.

89. Laughing yourself to sleep, stuck behind locked doors, bound by promises, trapped in your own head.

90. Two librarians and a flashlight – enough to follow clues.


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