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I hate being told off for everything. Especially things that I can't control. My mum keeps telling me that my feet are too big. Yeah, like I can change that! She says, if I wear shoes and sock, ALL THE TIME. Yes, now I mean every moment I can possibly wear them. Except when I sleep. I pretty much do already though. That my feet won't grow anymore.
Google says, or rather, Yahoo answers says, that they won't grow more then they are biologically meant to grow, even if I walk around barefoot. Oh well. I guess sometimes I just gotta shut up. Even when I know i'm right. Just so I don't cause any arguments.
So the problem with this, is that I need new snow boots, as my family and I are going skiing on the 10th to the 12th. I grew out of the old ones. They were size 7 anyway! My feet are about an 8.5, but more like a 9. So no wonder I need new ones. The thing is, mum thinks my foot is going to keep growing heaps, so she said she needs to buy me a pair, with "room for when you are older, and your feet are bigger". I don't think my foot is going to grow much bigger, if so any.
We found, and by this I mean I found, and mum approved, of this really sweet pair of shoes. They were black on the outside,with some pink spots where the lace holes are, but mostly pink on the inside. Yeah sounds lame, but they were actually, really cool. Like actually cool
They were 60 bucks, so they had to last a couple of years, to get our money's worth. Now this is why mum wanted growing room, incase my feet grew bigger. Seems totally understandable now.
You see, one would think. Ah yes, if we get the next size up, there will be enough room. They were too small. Well I thought the size 10, had plenty of room. Mum and dad both agreed otherwise. They felt where my big toe was, and said there wasn't enough room for growing. Obviously Roxy's sizes were a little off. Slightly too small. Now that's a little abnormal.
So we ended up purchasing the size 11. How big. Yeah whatever. I kept complaining that they were just too big, and that I would get blisters, as they were ill fitting. Mum told me that if I say one more word, she would chuck them out and make me wear nothing. Then I would have no boots at all. That clearly wasn't a good thing, so I shut up.
To fix the issue, I stuffed the toes of the shoes with tissues. Ah, aren't I a little problem solver. How smart. Thank you Kleenex.

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