My dimples.

Not many people noticed them.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

This girl walked right up to David, closing the space between them. She tilted her head and her silky brown hair swayed to the side. She whispered something else and then...

This was it. This must be the feeling someone felt right before they got mowed down by a car. This must be the feeling of dread when someone looked up and knew they couldn't reach the surface of the ocean in time. When they couldn't breathe. When it felt like their lungs were collapsing.

Apart from Jeremy, out of all my boyfriends, not one had ever made me cry after a break-up. I usually resigned myself to the end and had already prepared for the rejection. Tonight, I wasn't prepared. I've come to this party without armor. Completely vulnerable.

Tearing my eyes away before I could watch that girl kiss David, I hurried out of Gretchen's house. The moment my burning face touched the cool air outside, I burst into tears.

Someone grabbed my wrist, keeping me on the lawn and there was a small glimmer of hope inside of me that I'd turn and find David. I really was an idiot. Jeremy was there, catching his breath. "Hey, wait a second. We don't have to break up."

"Sure, we don't have to," I mocked him, pretending to play along. "But I really want to Jeremy. In fact, it's all I want for my birthday this year."

"No, seriously." He finally let me go. "We can continue to do what we've been doing."

"What are you talking about? I can't keep dating you if I know you're sleeping with another guy."

"Listen, Josh gets it—"

"Ugh." I looked at the sky, praying for a dragon to swoop down and swallow me whole. "I didn't want to know his name."

"I need your help getting in good with your parents and you need me so you can avoid your feelings for David."

I blinked.

I stared at Jeremy, waiting for a punchline that never came. "Excuse me?"

"Your feelings for David? Yeah, like everyone knows you two are destined to bang—"

"No," I snapped. "What about my parents?"

"Well, you know we're gonna graduate next year and I need a really sick internship. If I end up at the Unicorn Sanctuary with your parents, man my possibilities are going to be endless." Then, Jeremy threw two thumbs up like that made sense, like I had been in on this plan all along. "Come on, Cal. Be a good sport."

Curling my fists by my side to keep from ramming them down Jeremy's throat, I just spit, "Fuck you."

It was never about me.

It was never about us.

It was about my parents. Like always.

It was about David. As usual.

I wished I could help it, but I couldn't, I started crying again. The tears burned my eyes and made my throat close to the size of a sewing needle. I needed to be ejected. I needed someone to yank me out of here.

Jeremy raised his arm, a move to comfort me, but I flinched. He was a stranger, and I didn't just let anyone touch me.

I couldn't help it. Maybe it was a survival tactic, maybe it was based on instinct, but I shoved Jeremy hard enough to get him out of my face and personal space. I needed to be as far away from Jeremy as possible. Before I could hear another word, I grabbed the last of my shredded dignity and went back home.


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LOL. Calvin's misery brings me joy. What did we think about the confrontation? And we saw David???? I think we're all traumatized. 

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And if you like this book, check out my others! I have four finished books and another CLOSE to being finished. All queer, all romance, and all super great (just take my word for it. lol).

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