Chapter 3: Sidon and Helena

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Mipha and Zelda went into the cafe. They saw a boy sitting at a table, looking at his watch. It seems like he felt bored. When he saw Mipha, he waved at her.

" Do you know that boy? He is so handsome!" Zelda said.

" Yes, he's my brother, Sidon. Hi, my dear little brother!" Mipha waved back and ran to sit with him.

"Sister!" Sidon said and cried, " You finally come! I miss you!"

" Well, Sidon, you just have two lessons haven't seen me. Oh yes! This is my new friend Zelda, and Zelda, this is Sidon." Mipha introduced.

" Hi, Sidon, nice to meet you!" Zelda smiled, " You seem a bit sad, are you?"

" How do you know that? Yes." Sidon said and lowered his voice.

" What's the matter, Sidon? You've told me you are excited!" Mipha said, " And do you don't meet any new friends? You are alone!"

" I felt like I've been bullied, even though I just went to school for one day. Actually, two lessons." Sidon said, and his tears were going to fall.

" Oh, dear! Sidon, can you tell me what happened?" Mipha was very worried about Sidon. Since Sidon was young, he was a person that is easy to upset. He loves making new friends, but he didn't have much courage to. Mipha knew this a long time ago, so she always encourages him to do something he likes to and also, she gave extra love to Sidon because he's her only brother. Whenever Mipha was sad, he would be always there for her to speak to or even give her a sweet and warm hug.

" When I went into the classroom, all of the girls gather around me. Asking me a lot of things, I am so scared. I told them not to do that and give me some more space, but they didn't. They bullied me!" Sidon's tears dropped down, but Mipha and Zelda nearly laughed out. They didn't do that because they know that will make Sidon sad.

" You are really cute Sidon. That's not called bullied, alright? They want to be friends with you, and that's a good thing! And also, they wanted to know more about you and take care of you if you have any problems! I know you need time and space because you come to a new school, but you don't need to cry about this thing, alright, my brother?" Mipha smiled and patted Sidon's head.

" Oh, really? That's not called bullied? Well, never mind!" Sidon smiled while there are still some tears near his eyes. Mipha used her hand to wipe his tears gently.

" So, Sidon, can you tell me what you like?" Zelda asked.

" TV games!" Sidon said, " I love playing Nintendo! I have one and my sister has one too!" Sidon smiled. Sidon's heart seems to be younger than his look.

" Oh yes! I love playing too! Do you play something called... Demon Slayer?" Zelda asked, " I've been stuck there very serval weeks."

" Yes, I have that game and I've played for a long period. If you can hang out with me after school, I can teach you how to play. I remember girls are not allowed to go to boys' dorms, right?" Sidon asked.

" Yes, you are right, Sidon. I've been in a two people bedroom for 1 year so Mipha, Miss Tsuna told me you are going to be in the same room as me. So, start today, that will be your dorm too. And also, boys are not allowed to go to girls' dorms except for teachers or if something emergency happens as the fire alarm has rung. But we will hear it too. I am unlucky. My bedroom is the place that is far from the emergency exit, so be careful." Zelda explained.
" Okay, thanks Zelda!" Mipha said. Then, the doorbell rang.
" Sidon, we have to go now, bye!" Zelda said and hold Mipha's hand. Mipha was a bit shocked but then she smiled very soon. She also hold Zelda's hand tight.
" Sidon, we have to go now, bye!" Zelda said and held Mipha's hand. Mipha was a bit shocked, but then she quickly smiled and held Zelda's hand tight.

" Okay, bye, sister! Bye, Zelda!" Sidon waved as he also started to go to his next lesson.
The girl's next lesson was drama. They would be mixing with another two classes, including Link's. With very good luck, Mipha got into a drama with Zelda, Link, and also Helena. Helena was so excited because she might have a chance to sit with Link or Zelda. Helena didn't like Mipha because she felt she was too pretty and outstanding at her studies. She didn't know if Link liked this type of girl or not, but was very worried he did. If that happened, she would have no excuse or chance to talk or work with Link.

The seat that the teacher assigned Helena was not really all that she wanted. She had a chance to sit with Zelda, which made her feel really happy. However, there was something that upset her. Because Link didn't sit with her, and, even worse, she was upset that Link was sitting beside Mipha. Helena worried the seating plan would only bring Mipha and Link closer. Helena didn't really mind if Link was sitting with a boy or a normal girl, but Mipha was extremely remarkable and might one day become Link's girlfriend. That made Helena so jealous.

The drama class was going well, and the teacher set them a task. They had 20 minutes to make and practice a drama. They could choose their group by themselves, four people as a group and must include one boy and three girls. Mipha joined Zelda and Helena, but they needed a boy. Every group hoped Link would join theirs, but Link felt uncertain. He was hesitating about which group he was going to join. Then he saw Mipha. He walked over to her and asked, " May I join your group?" Helena thought he was joining this group because of her, but then she discovered that his eyes were only on Mipha.

"Yes, of course, you can join, Link," Mipha said and welcomed him.

The show was so successful, all of them in this group were good at character acting. Mipha was good at being an adorable and kind person, and Zelda was, of course, a very extroverted character. Link was good at being a strong person, like a hero. Helena could be a cheeky girl. The teacher said the drama idea was so good, and all the characters were cute and funny. Mipha gave a high-five to Zelda and Helena and also smiled at Link. Link smiled back but ignored Helena's smile. Even though Mipha got closer to Link, it seemed the gap between Link and Helena was getting wider and wider. Also, Helena started to be a hater of Mipha.

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