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choi beomgyupark seoyoon•

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choi beomgyu
park seoyoon

hand coming up to her mouth, seoyoon tried to prevent herself from laughing.

"oh? you find this funny?"


beomgyu stuck his bottom lip out.

"aw. come on. it's fine. you'll hit the red section at some point."

"seoyoon. we've already had four sessions so far. and i haven't even managed to hit above 6 a single time."

"maybe you're closing the wrong eye. do you know which one is dominant?"

beomgyu turned to look at her. they had both finished their turns for today and were now sitting on a bench behind the shooting line. they were waiting for taehyun to finish his go.

"what does that even mean?"

the actress opened her mouth slightly.

"you don't know which of your eyes is dominant?"

"do i need to?"

seoyoon turned her head so that she was facing the blond.

"um. it's kind of important when you're shooting at a target. basically, it's when you prefer one eye or the other when you fixate on something like a target. it helps."

the twang of bowstrings followed by soft thuds made beomgyu look in front to see taehyun had hit a 10.

he frowned slightly then looked back to seoyoon who hadn't taken her eyes off of him.

"ok. so how do i find out which eye it is?"

"basically, just make a triangle with your hands - "

"like this?"

the boy cut her off, connecting his index and middle fingers with each other. then, he shook his head and dropped his hands.

"no, hold on. that's a square...how?"

for a while, he tried to shape some sort of triangle with his hands but to no avail. watching him, seoyoon smiled before grabbing his hands.

"you know what, beomgyu? if you waited i would've shown you."

beomgyu glanced at her as she repositioned his hands into how they were supposed to be. not realising that seoyoon had let go of his hands, he jumped a little when her eyes suddenly locked with his.

the girl held his gaze for a while before they heard someone clear their throat and then mumble.

"jeez. just date already."


the younger boy who had walked up to the two of them shook his head.

"nothing. just wanted to say that i'm done and we can leave now."

"um, yeah. give me a second, tae. seoyoon was just showing me how to find my dominant eye."

"haven't you already learnt that?"

"no. no, i haven't."

"ah. got it."

taehyun realised what beomgyu was trying to do. a smirk made its way onto his face before he spoke again.

"manager's waiting in the car. don't be too long!"

giving a subtle thumbs up to the boy, taehyun turned around and quickly exited the building.

"actually, beomgyu. i'll show you next time. if your manager's waiting, you should go."

seoyoon stood up from the bench and beomgyu followed suit.

"actually, um...taehyun's going to be officially assigned to compete in the archery segment of the sports competition. so...i'm going for the running event instead," he said, then laughed softly. "because i'm significantly better at that."

the corners of her mouth downturned slightly.

"are you not coming back for the next session?"

feeling slightly disheartened, seoyoon tried to mask it with a small smile but it was discernible by beomgyu.

"ah. no. but...it's not like this is the only place where we can see each other. what i mean is..."

"you heard what taehyun said as well, didn't you?"

beomgyu pressed his lips into a thin line.

"yeah. he's not really that quiet."

seoyoon leaned to the right slightly so that she could see behind beomgyu. and she caught sight of taehyun peeking through the door of the hall. in actuality, she only managed to catch a glimpse of his light brown hair as he immediately disappeared from view.

the mauve-haired girl grinned and then looked back at the boy who was standing in front of her. beomgyu was staring at the spot in front of his feet.

"he's actually waiting outside. i think you should go. but, you know, i assume you're schedule's packed. so let me know whenever you're free."

he looked up immediately.

"oh. ok. great! i'll go now then. and speak to you soon then, hopefully."

a wide smile appeared on his face before he turned around and started to leave the building.

"uh, beomgyu?"

he turned around, his smile even wider somehow.


"you left your phone."

"oh! thank you."

she laughed a little before handing the boy's phone to him and watching as he left.

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