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     This is my entry for the Open Novella Contest 2023. I debated whether I would attempt it this year, but everyone's excitement drew me in.

     "Afterimage" has been bubbling on the back burner for quite a long time. Inspired by my husband (who is a lighthouse, as I call him, for spooky phenomena), this story is a ballad to our mutual moth-to-flame obsession with the paranormal and a glimpse into the childhood experiences that altered our collective brain chemistry. 

     It's only fair he gets a proper acknowledgment:

For Andrew.

My precognitive twin flame, thank you for the spectral cat in our bedroom.

Less excited about the ghost in the bathroom.

Love you forever.

     Alright, let's move on to the details!

     I've chosen prompts #5, #20, and #23:

     5. Flip the coin and make a life choice with it. Two choices, one coin, and no turning back. Do you dare?

     20. You finally build enough courage to talk to that cute someone you see every day on the bus. Their face turns dark as they respond "You shouldn't be able to see me."

    23. They were not real, everyone told me they were not real. But why are they here? Why are they trying to talk to me? Why are they calling me the ONE? Why are they staring at me like that?

   Are you excited? Because I am stoked! (And nervous, but shhhhhh.) If you're interested in this dusty, lil' cranny of my brain, please grab some cleansing herbs and a flashlight, add this story to a reading list, and pray...

) If you're interested in this dusty, lil' cranny of my brain, please grab some cleansing herbs and a flashlight, add this story to a reading list, and pray

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Afterimage || #ONC2023 ||Where stories live. Discover now