"You seem exhilarated in meeting me."

Of course! Do you know how long I've been waiting here?!

"About seven rotations of your planet, or a week."


A week? One week?!

"Your sense of time has degraded in this dimension--just like the other ones."

Of-fucking course, I've been staring at a void for a goddamn while now. Even if it's just a week, it's still a long-ass time.

Is this Hell? If then, what layer am I in?

"Fortunately for you, you didn't arrive in Hell. If you did, you'd be interrogated first by agents that handle your soul and send it to one of the layers based on the worst act you've committed."

Agents? They have an agency there? What kind of fantasy shit is that?

Well, if sinners get transported to a place in the thousands on a daily basis, then someone over there's gonna have to organize some stuff, right?

What's hell like? Is it similar to Dante's Divine Comedy?

"I cannot confirm nor deny."

I'll take that as a maybe.

So, what's going to happen now? Are you my soul manager or something?

Oh and by the way, did I die?

"To answer your first question, yes. I am indeed your guide in this dimension.

Second, also yes - you died on that train."

Shucks... Reason?

"A well-timed explosion from a bomb next to an oil train, creating a chain reaction of explosions that caused your ride to derail and crash."


Well that was unexpected. I died from terrorism.

So, what happens now? Am I getting reincarnated or what?

"Reincarnation can't be possible in your current state."

Huh? Why?

"You cannot just hijack something with a soul already inside of it."

Does that apply to newborns or?


Ah, I see. If I did, it's gonna be like trying to... mix oil and water?

"Close enough."

Hm, then what's going to happen to me?

"A new vessel similar to your original physique will be created at an alternate dimension, and you will be transmigrated there."

Vessel? Transmigration? Alternate Dimension?

Oh, now I see it. I'm being Isekai'd aren't I?

"Based on the knowledge of other souls about the subject, I can say yes."

Wait, if I'm not going to Hell, why am I not going to Heaven? I'm getting sent to another world instead?

"Accepting souls into the gates of Heaven for thousands of years created an overpopulation crisis."


The space in Heaven has... run out?!


How?! I thought only a few people can get up there because people are sinful or something!

"While humans are indeed sinful, most people haven't committed repeated vile acts for years, so they are often pardoned. Because of that, most souls end up at Heaven's gate."

"Heaven kept accepting and it filled up."


What happened to the people that didn't get to enter? Did they get transported to another world as well?

"Some chose to reincarnate, completely erasing their original one in favor of the latter, while others just transmigrated to a premade vessel just for them."

Am I going to get transported to a world where they currently live in or?

"Unfortunately, I cannot answer your question correctly, since I have no knowledge about the world that you're about to land in."

Huh? Why don't you know?

"I'm not required to. I just transport souls over to their destination."

Alright--so this is the solution you guys made for the problem?

"Heaven is a paradise where souls can live their eternal lives in happiness. The higher-ups just decided to create dimensions where other souls can reside in until the crisis has been solved."

Mhm, so are they gonna expand the place?

"Countless angels are already on the job for it."

I'm gonna call that Divine Labor.

Alright, so when's the process of Isekai transport gonna happen?

"First, what ability would you want for your new life?"


So you're gonna do this eh? Alright then, let me think about it.

Okay, first, should I be like an OP character? Obviously. Shadow abilities? Nah, too edgy. I'd probably go for like- abilities that create things or generate shit. Also I'd like a power that makes me invincible or immortal. What's the differences of those two by the way?Also maybeIdgoforthelegendarystatusofidkminecraftstyleblockynahtooflashyehilljustchoosegodpowersfromanunoriginalgamethatiknowofloremiifyoucanseethisthenlolsdgesfobviouslyyoucanbecauseitsezweldfraveryeasypsumdolorsitametconsectturadipiscamogusingelitproiniaculisnislaceratfinibussuscipitnullaquamtortortinciduntvitaepulvinaridpulvinarelmivivamuscursuselitnisiegetauctorarcupo-----------


"Have you decided on what will I give you?"


"State it clearly."

Sure, what I want is...

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