"You're dismissed." Park Jin stated, it was clear in his voice that he was making no room for protests.

Hyejin looks at him with confusion, but knowing thay she has no choice but to follow him, she bowed her head in respect before walking out of the room.

She left Jeongjingak with confusion all over her face, she can't believe that Park Jin dismissed her just like that. One second, he was adamant on keeping her locked up inside Songrim, and now, he was fine by her doing what she wants? He even gave her a few days off.

His actions are confusing her, "Does he not want me to learn?" She mutters under her breath before looking back at the building.

"Being considerate my ass." She scoffed in disbelief before turning around, she was about to take a step forward when she saw that Sang Ho was already standing in front of her. She took a step back in shock before bowing her head as a greeting, "Seonsaengnim." She looks up.

"You're here.." Sang Ho muttered.

"Ah, yeah." Hyejin smiled, "Uk told me that Master Park wanted to talk to me."

Sang Ho nodded his head, "Are you leaving now?" He asked.

"No, i think i need to drop by at Sejukwon for a bit." Hyejin replied, "Im still feeling a bit nauseous."

"You drank four bottles of alcohol yesterday, that's why you're feeling that way." Sang Ho told her.

"Yeah, i--." Her eyes widened once she processed his words, "Wait.. How did you know?"

Sang Ho arched up his brow, "Do you not remember anything that happened yesterday?" He asked.


Hyejin didn't know why, but her brows furrowed once she noticed the sudden change in his expression. "I'll walk you to Sejukwon." He offered, suddenly changing the subject.

"Wait, you haven't answered my question yet." Hyejin said, "How did you know how many bottles i've finished?"

Sang Ho cleared his throat, "I was.." He paused for a moment as flashes of what happened last night filled his head, "The one who took you home."

"Oh, that--." Hyejin went silent for a few seconds as she tried to process his words. Her eyes widened in shock once she did, "What?!" She gasped, "What do you mean you were the one who took me home? Uk told me that it was him!"

She recalled the conversation she had with him earlier, and she winced once she remembered the way he was acting weird, is that why he was smirking at me? That asshole, im going to kill him for not telling me about this!

"Is that what he told you?" Sang Ho questioned, earning Hyejin's attention.

"How.. How did you even know that i was drunk in the first place?" Hyejin questioned.

"A guard from Chwiseonru approached me last night, he was looking for Young Master Park, Young Master Seo, but they weren't here. He told me that you can't walk home because you were already passed out. So i offered to take you home instead." Sang Ho told her.

Hyejin grimaced as she tried to recall what happened last night but she just can't remember anything, the last thing she can recall was drinking with Juwol. She was panicking internally as she knew how loud she can be when she's drunk, she can't keep her mouth shut once the alcohol entered her systems, which is why the only people she trust when she was drunk was either Uk, Yul, or Dang-gu.

She gulped before looking at him, "Did i say anything weird? Or something shocking?" She asked. Shit, please tell me i didn't.

His sudden silence gave her anxiety, he looks like he was deep in though and Hyejin wondered what she said to make him look that way. "Sang Ho?" She called.

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