twenty five

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THE MAGES OF JEONGJINGAK GATHERED in front of the training center, today was the last day of the bet that the crown prince, and Mudeok made. Which means that this will also be the last time Uk will have a chance to take the jade back from the crown prince.

Uk was standing at the middle while the rest of the mages was lined up on his side, the crown prince was standing on top of the stairs beside the table where the last gold toad was placed.

"Today is Jang Uk's last duel." The crown prince announced, "I have talked to the person who i have made this bet with, and the prize for today's winner will not be a gold toad, it will be something else."

Hyejin, who was standing at the middle of Yul, and Dang-gu looks at the crown prince with curiosity, what else is worth that jade for? She wondered.

"What do you think is it?" Dang-gu questioned, and Hyejin shrugged her shoulders as a response.

A few seconds after that, their questions was soon answered when Mudeok stepped forward, "The winner of todays' battle, will be winning that maid." The crown prince stated, earning a gasp from both Hyejin, and Dang-gu.

"I have agreed to serve the winner of today's duel as my master" Mudeok announced, earning a shocked look from Jang Uk.

"What is going on?" Uk mutters under his breath as confusion was written all over his face.

"Alright then, the person fighting Jang Uk for his last duel. Step forward." The crown prince ordered.

They all turns their gaze towards Cha Beom. Hyejin was a bit relieved that it was him, she knew that Cha Beom was all bark and no bite. With the skill Uk has now, he will no doubt win against Cha Beom.

Though what happened next confused everyone. Instead of stepping forward, Cha Beom grinned before taking a step back. "What the hell?" Hyejin cursed, she was about to turn to Yul to ask him when he suddenly took a step forward.

Jang Uk looks taken aback by that, Yul stood in front of him with a blank expression. "Jang Uk, the person you will be fighting against is me." 

It was a surprise to everyone when Yul stepped forward and faced Uk with an unreadable expression on his face, even Mudeok was surprised when it was him who stepped forward and not Cha Beom. No one had expected Yul to volunteer to fight his friend, but they knew how unpredictable the heir of the Seo family can be.

Hyejin didn't know what to say, she glanced at Mudeok and she could also see the shock on her face. "Dang-gu, did you know about this?" She asked as she kept her eyes glued to Yul.

The blond shakes his head, "Im just as surprised as you are, Hyejin." He replied.

"You may begin." The crown prince commanded, and just like that, Yul charged at him quickly while Uk unsheathed his sword.

The two of them began fighting as they swing their swords at each other continuously, it was Yul who's doing all the offense while Uk was constantly defending himself. "Yul was right. Uk has greatly improved." Dang-gu commented.

Hyejin nodded her head in approval, even she could see that. If this was the past Uk who's fighting Yul, he would've been tossed on the side the moment Yul charged at him. 

Yul charged at him again and everyone was surprised when they saw how Uk used the shield spell that Han Yeol used on him, "That is my shield spell!" The mage exclaimed, "When did he master that?"

"He just picked them up through his previous duels." Cha Beom told him.

"Did he master all of his opponents' spells from his previous nine duels?" The crown prince muttered.

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