'How about 7 min-'

Jimin and I both exclaim at the same time, cutting Namjoon halfway

'Some things never change.' Yoongi chuckles

'I think I'm good just watching you guys play whatever you want.' I say

'I'm not playing anything. I'm going to dance. Bye-bye.' Hobi grins as he's getting dragged away by a girl

'Come on, Jungkookie. I wanna dance, too!' Suri bats her eyes at him

'Really? You're pulling that on me?' He smiles fondly, looking at her
'You're lucky it's working.' He kisses her on the forehead, taking her hand and taking her out to the floor to dance

'Weeee!' She squeals, all happy he agreed. As if he would ever say no to her.

'Help!' Yoongi yells, being dragged away by a girl as well. It was quite hilarious. I laughed more than I should

Seems everyone was getting dragged away. Taehyung being one of them. By the same girl as earlier.

'Wanna dance?' A girl comes up to Jimin, tapping him on the shoulder

'Nah, I'm good, thanks.' He rejects her politely

'U sure you don't wanna?' She smiles seductively at him

'Yep. Pretty sure. But he's free.' Jimin pulls Jin towards her, confusing him

'Remember Amina from high school?' Namjoon whispers to me, snickering, watching Jimin struggle to get her away
It made me laugh right away. It was in almost the same exact spot as well. He is a damn magnet.

The girl was a bit tipsy, so she took Jin's hand and pulled him away, leaving Jimin alone.
Namjoon and I were just laughing at him.

'What are you two laughing about? You could have helped!' He's complaining, but he's laughing too

'We were just remembering Amina.' Namjoon says, and Jimin starts laughing even more

'Oh, don't even remind me. She still haunts me in my nightmares. I can still hear that piercing screech.' Jimin shudders

'Well, you two do what you want. I'm going to pick up that one over there.' Namjoon points at a hot girl a few feet away and goes to her

We watched all of them disperse, leaving us alone again. There goes my heart again. I was looking at the ground, trying not to look at him. But I could feel his gaze on me.

He walked over, leaning on the counter next to me. Neither one of us spoke. We just stood there next to each other for a while.

'You cut your hair.' He speaks, breaking the silence

'Um, yeah. I kept dipping my hair into acrylics, so I got tired of it.' I say, looking at my ends

'It looks good.' I look at him, and he's smiling at me

'You went back to black.' I say

'Yeah. I didn't know how to keep it blonde. And I didn't have time to go to a hairdresser's every few weeks. If You-Sa didn't dye it black, I'd have about 16 colors on my head.' He chuckles

'She did a good job. It looks good.' I smile

'Thanks.' He smiles back

The convo died off after that once again. I didn't know what to say. All I wanted to do was kiss him. I missed him so much. I was just trying to keep myself calm and breathing.

'You look beautiful. Just in case it wasn't obvious.' He says quietly. This is even worse.

'T- thanks.' I mutter as I look at the ground. I felt my cheeks burn and I don't want him to see that

'I'm sorry. If I make you uncomfortable just say it and I'll leave.' He said it with his voice almost cracking

'That's not it. I just don't know what to say. We haven't spoken for a long time. I don't know where to begin.' I tell him honestly, looking at him

'I know. I'm struggling just the same. But I promised Jungkook I'd leave you alone.' He says

'What do you mean you promised Jungkook?' I have no idea what he's on about

'He told me that's what you wanted. To be left alone. So I did that. I wasn't going to make it worse than it already was.' He looks sad. And I get why. And Kookie...I know he wants to help. I guess he did me a favour.

'I'm sorry. I didn't know how to cope with everything back then.' I admit. I still don't.

'Nothing to be sorry for. You did what you needed to do. I'm not blaming you.' He smiles weakly

'I really am sorry. I never asked what you wanted. I just did it on my own.' I speak quietly, looking away

'I hurt you. There was nothing you needed to ask. What I wanted wouldn't have helped either one of us.' He just keeps smiling at me. I wish he didn't. He's tearing me apart.

'I hurt you, too. You didn't do it on your own.' I tell him

'No. You never did anything wrong. The situation was just tough and we didn't know how to handle it. Especially me.' He is looking down at his feet, kicking his toes with his heel

'Was it bad for you? After... you know.' He asks, but he's still looking down

'It could have been way worse. I had Kookie and the guys around. I was more worried about you than anything else. You were almost all on your own.'

'I had them in Busan. They couldn't do much as they didn't know anything. But I did see the guys every few weeks and all that. That helped.' He smiles

I scoff a little.

'What?' He asks

'You still have the same tell when you're lying.' I chuckle

'Look who's talking. I've never seen someone smile so much through the pain. I don't even know how you do it.' He argues

'I don't know either.' I sigh lightly

'So you did lie.' He scoffs

'It was easier like that.' I gulp

'It's alright. As long as it helped you, I don't mind.' He nods, almost to himself

'We are really depressing. We are supposed to be at a party.' I say, changing the subject

'We have a lot to catch up on. 729 days is a lot of missed conversations.' He chuckles

'Maybe one day we'll catch up.'

'Maybe tomorrow?' He looks at me

'What?' I ask him, surprised

'Do you want to meet up tomorrow? We can meet anywhere you want.'

'W-why?' I stutter. I don't think I'll be okay being alone with him

'So we can actually talk. I'm sure we both have a million things we wanted to talk about these last 2 years. I know I do.' He says. I saw his fingers grab onto the edge of the counter

'Maybe not just yet.' I say

'Whenever you're ready then.' He nods, smiling kindly.

Is this my Jimin?

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