Ch. 2

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Derek's POV

"That was the most awkward hour of my life."

Nina rolled her eyes while driving and glanced at me before focusing back on the road, "You're being overdramatic. Literally, nothing happened and you only sat next to him for ten minutes before we were allowed to move and you sat with me in the front."

"Wait what happened?"

I groaned.

Nina was going to scream at Garrett about how I had a "crush" on Easton. Which was not true... completely.

"Dee has lovey eyes for Easton."

He coughed, "Easton King?"

Nina smiled and nodded excitedly.

"Um, what?"

I put my hands over my face and practically yelled, "No, that is a lie! I do not like him!"

"You were practically both eye fucking in French, shut up. But anyway. They got seated next to each other in English and now it's the end of the world for our little gay."

"I take offense to that statement. The world isn't over... but the apocalypse has arrived."

They both burst out laughing and I wanted nothing more than to tuck and roll out of the car but I had so much to live for and I knew with my clumsiness I would not survive that roll.

But boy did that sound like a better fate than staying in that car being teased.

"As much as I'd like to support you, bro, Easton doesn't get close with anyone."

I rolled my eyes and took my hands off my face, "Yeah I know, I'm not stupid. But I don't have a crush on him, I just find him... interesting."

"That's what you said about Luke and Kyle... and Nick."

"You are so lucky you're in the back otherwise I'd punch you, Garrett."

He laughed, "Hey I'm just saying. There's nothing wrong with liking him, but I'm sorry to say it's probably not gonna go anywhere."

I just nodded in response. Internally groaning.

Why did I have such a specific type?


"Bonjour Easton. Et quelle est votre raison d'être encore en retard?"

After a second of thinking, everyone got what she asked which was, 'Hello Easton. And what is your reason for being late again?'

He hesitated for another second and replied, "Uh bonjour, my science class ran late."

Goddamn, his voice was so deep.

What? Shut up brain!

She looked at him disapprovingly, and at that moment I noticed that he had a newly bruised cheek along with a cut lip and his bandage looked like it was redone.

She noticed too because she was looking at him with a skeptical look now, "I didn't get an email."

He just stood there looking at her until she rolled her eyes, knowing he wasn't going to say anything else to help his case, and made a motion for him to take his seat.

This whole week he had gone in with some sort of new injury. There was no way any of that was happening at school so what was going on? 

I was way too curious for my own good, but how could not be? Nobody knew a lot about him. Not even his friends. All anyone knew was what he told them and what spread around school that may or may not have been rumors. 

No one had ever hung out with him outside of school and no one even knew where he lived or if he had siblings or even a family. I had always found Easton King to be an interesting person, with his mysteriousness. But at that moment I was so... magnetized to him. And I didn't even know why. It was a big problem.


"Do you know if he has social media? Like Snapchat or Twitter?"

Nina shrugged as she flipped through her book at lunch, "I don't know, I've never looked."


He laughed, "I have no idea. Why don't you ask him? He is just sitting over there."

I refused to search for the boy we were talking about and instead stared at Garrett with a straight face which made him laugh harder, "Fine. Ask one of his friends."

I rolled my eyes, "In front of him?"

He rolled his eyes back, "No. Ask them when he isn't around."

"And give them the impression that I like him? No thanks."

"Yeah cause that's definitely not true at all."

"What did I say about me punching you?"

He just smiled and went back to eating.

I was out at school. Everyone knew I was gay and unfortunately, almost everyone knew my type because of some past catastrophes. So I knew as soon as I asked his friends if he had a Snap I would never hear the end of it.

Out of nowhere, Nina looked up from her book -- which was rare -- and she smiled, "Hey, it's Friday. You know what that means!"

Garrett and I both looked at each other and yelled, "MOVIE NIGHT!"

Nina flicked us both on our foreheads for making a scene during lunch but we were all laughing.

Garrett somehow managed to calm down first and ask, "So what genre will it be tonight?"

She shrugged, "Whose turn is it to pick?"

As soon as she said it though she remembered whose turn it was.

I smiled evilly, "I choose horror."

Nina groaned while Garrett shrugged, "Fine with me as long as it isn't super freaky."

I laughed, "You do not know me, do you?"

"Can't you take it easy on us just this once?" Nina begged with her best puppy dog eyes that she knew didn't work on me but she tried anyway.

"Hey! This is my one horror time a month. Last time I chose comedy. I'll supply the movie. Whose house?"

"I vote Nin's 'cause her family has surround sound."

Nina rolled her eyes, giving up on her begging, "Fine, you jackasses. My parents are gonna be gone though so you can't spend the night."

"Sad. Oh well, you guys are gonna be the ones with nightmares."

Both of them suddenly looked upset and shivered. Which made me laugh.

I had a tendency to be very malicious when it came to choosing horror movies I watched with my friends. Was that the right word? Eh. Didn't know and didn't care. 

Anyway. Last time I chose a horror movie, they both had nightmares for a week and Nina had to beg me to go over to her house to calm her down in the middle of the night. Which led to me sleeping over there for that whole week because she was too scared to be alone at night. Her parents knew I was gay so they were fine with me spending the night. Plus they had known me my whole life.

But yeah... I was excited!

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