~where am i?~

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I sat up and noticed I was on a small bed, just like my old
One... was it all a bad dream? I start to get confused, scared, and angry all at the same time. Was I kidnapped? I'm so confused, one minute I was with Thomas and his group, and the next I'm here. Where ever here is, is Jason here? Am I in danger? Does he hate me?

The questions fly threw my head, more and more appearing and leaving once again. Then the door opened, and my eyes were left wide at who was standing there... Jason. I feel my eyes fill with water, but his with rage. I stand myself up, shaking with excitement and fear. He looks mad. I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He stood straight and stepped inside, closing the door with me still attached to him.

I pulled myself off of him and looked up at him. "You left. Why?" He said sounding hurt. "I- I.." the words wouldn't come out, partly because I didn't know why. "I'm sorry..." I say as tears force their way out of my eyes. Sitting down on the bed I buried my face in my hands. I felt his weight next he me, then his arms wrap around me. My head was now buried in his chest. "I was- scared..." I finally found the words. "I wasn't going to let her take you." Wasn't...? I don't like the sound of that.

"I'm sorry," I repeated the words to him. "Where are they going?" He asked turning me to face him. "I- I don't really know..." I trailed off, I didn't want to tell him but how could I betray him? "You do know. Tell me now." He said. Clearly, this wasn't a question, it was just simply a demand. "I- there's a.." do I lie? "City. They are going there. I don't know where exactly but it's far away.." I lied... I just lied to him. The man that I dearly love.

He nodded and stood up to leave. "What are you going to do to them?" I wasn't really sure I wanted the answer. "Why do you care?" He said simply before leaving, closing the door angrily. I felt the tears fight their way threw my eyes, pouring out onto my bare thighs. I the shorts I left with, I still had them on. I didn't have time to grab anything else, I didn't really have anything else. Besides a locket, it had a picture of women inside it. I didn't know who, I couldn't remember. Maybe my mother. Was she still alive?

The door shortly opened and a guard stepped in. Clothes in hand. "Here's a change of clothes." He said setting them by the door and leaving. I picked up the clothes and took a look at them.

 I picked up the clothes and took a look at them

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They are nice. I thought to myself. After changing into the clothes I look at myself in the mirror. My (y/h/l) hair, is dirty and matted. I didn't even have a brush. Would Jason bring me one? Do I get a shower? He's definitely mad at me. I feel bad for leaving but I was scared. Why couldn't he understand that? I sighed as I walk back to my bed. The darkness filled the room as I shut off the lights. I stare at the dark ceiling, letting the darkness swallow me. I couldn't help but let my mind wander off to Janson. I missed seeing his face, being around him, his laugh, and just him in general. he didn't even seem happy to see me, not a smile even made its way to his handsome face.

I sighed at the thought of how distant he was being. eminently, my brain started overthinking, assuming the worst. had he found someone new? did he never really love me? I felt the tears make their way out of my eyes at the thought of Janson never really caring for me as I did him. no, y/n. stop thinking like this. I leave him, completely betray his trust and then just think he's supposed to forgive me. That's not how it works. I wiped the tears off my face sitting up and pulling my bulky, worn boots off. after I got comfortable, I lay down letting the sleep I needed overcome me. taking me to my nightmares.

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