~stay with me~

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I lay awake in my small bed, my bloody fists bandaged up. I had broken two knuckles apparently, this wasn't the first time I would guess. the pain I was supposed to feel just wasn't there. the nurses told me not to move it, but my brain told me to suck it up. I flexed my knuckles into a ball and winced. shaking off the pain I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I look at my reflection in the mirror. my bloody bandages, my clean hair, my non-dirty body. I hated to say it but it felt weird. for the past two years, I had been dirty and beat up. but now, out of that maze, having water to shower in I was constantly clean.

I heard a loud band noise, like something metal had hit the floor. I stumbled out of the bathroom, my brows together, confused at the sudden noise. there was a kid, he looks to be fifteen maybe older, with short dirty blonde hair. I recognized him, he also sat alone in the cafe. he was here long before me, and I never really paid any attention to him, then again I stayed to myself most of the time. I stared at him as he stood up from the vent he pushed in. "Uhh..." I trailed off. "what do you know about Janson?" he asked as he looked at you. "I umm- nothing really." I said still confused. "why are you here? and who are you?" I said, referring to my room. "I uhh. I think this might be WCKD."

the words hit me like a bomb. my face became angry that he would even think so low of Janson. "what? No, it's not." I practically yelled at him. "what makes you think that?" he asked as he looked down at his feet. "I know Janson. ok? more than any of you." I started. "he's a good man. he would never want to hurt us." I said pissed off. "yeah, that's the thing.." he said looking up at me. "what do you mean?" I questioned, starting to get worried. "well, I don't think WCKD wants to hurt any of us." he said. "bull shit." I say even more mad. who does this kid think he is to say WCKD is good. "no, it's not. It's true."

"do you know something?" I asked him. "well, yes and no. I know something about this place.." he trailed off. "there's- uhh... where do you think those kids are going?" he asked me. "I- I don't know. I just trust Janson wouldn't hurt me, or any of us." I said in response. "well, I don't. there bodies. they're still alive but there- will not..." I looked at him so confused and lost in my thoughts. "here, see for yourself." he said as he jumped into the vent. I sighed as I followed after him. he went threw the vents till he stopped at a big vent above some hallway. "watch." he said as we waited. Just then people came out with white sheet-looking things draped over body shapes. they brought them into a room. he opened the vent after they left and we hopped down into the room.

it was full of rows, and rows of alive, but unconscious people. hocked up to tubes, and stuff. I gasped in shock. I wanted to cry, why would Janson betray me like this. "he's with WCKD, he's doing this to them." he said as he walked around the room. I felt tears trying to force their way out but I held them in, taking a deep breath. the doors clicked open and we both jumped behind different things trying to hide. Janson walked in with an angry yet sad look on his face. he walked over to a screen and sighed as he took a call.

an older, blonde woman answered the call. she looked so familiar. "miss. Paige, I'm working as fast as I can." he said as she started to scold him. WCKD. this is WCKD, he is with WCKD. I fought back tears, I wanted to stab him, make him hurt like how I was right now. "I need that girl, y/n." the woman on the screen said. I froze at the mention of my name. "ava, I can't." he said sounding angry at the woman. "Janson," she said sternly. "I can't hurt her. I won't hurt her." his words went straight to my heart as much as I didn't want them to. "Janson I don't know what's going on with you, but I need that girl she's immune," she said before hanging up.

"fuck!" Janson whisper yelled. he sounded truly hurt, no I can't stay here. he punched the desk hard and turned to leave. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as he walked out with anger written all over his face. Me and aris made our way back into the vent and I returned to my room. I throw myself on my bed and try not to think about Janson. aris said he was going to get Thomas and his group and make a plan. I hated to say it but I don't want t leave Janson. I dont even get to say goodbye. I don't really like goodbyes, but i like him. no i love him.

aris came to get me and we all went threw the vents to a hallway. we rounded a corner, and a doctor ran straight into us. "what are you guys doing out here?" she said confused. minho raaied his gun and ponited it at her. just then alarms started to go off and she rased her hand. we ran into a small room to find Teresa, who was straped onto a bed. thomas and newt broke the window and we all jumped threw. we soon came out of a vent and ran down a hallway. "you guys go ahead i have to do something."

aris said turning back into the vent thomas argued but instead someone went iwth him. we ran down a long hallway untill we found the door to outside. we all ran to it and suddenly janson come up behind ypu guys. thomas raises his gun at Janson and your face drops. if he shots janson i will kill him. janson threw his hands in the air, "thomas, put the gun down." he said trying to convince thomas to pick the easy way. i felt tears build in my eyes, because what if i never see him again. i held them back trying to stay strong. hes with WCKD, the ones who did this to us. "y/n, please." he said turning to you, your tears fell from your eyes as you looked from him to the group trying to leave. "dont leave, my dear." he said in a pleading, sad and angry tone at once.

I wiped my tears as Janson was still trying to reason with thomas. the door flew open and thomas dropped the gun and ran to it. I stood frozen in place staring at Janson. "y/n! lets go!" frypan yelled grabbing my wrist. "y/n, dont you dare leave." he yelled now pissed off as he started running up to the doors, gun in hand.

the door shut just in time and he ran up to it, baning and yelling at us all. he looked at me with hurt eyes as he cursed to himself. i followed them all out of the new found of WCKD compound and we ran away and into a abonded building so we would not be seen by any of the guards looking for us on bikes, quads and feet.

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