~fight, fight,fight~

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you wake up under the sheets with Jansons's arms around you. looking around realizing you are in his room... naked. 'oh my god did we...'  your thoughts were interrupted by Janson "hey sweetheart." he said in a kind tone. you smiled at him with a "good morning babe." h looks at you confused "babe? That's new, I like it." he almost whispered the last part you laugh at his cuteness. "well I should probably get you to breakfast before someone notices." you nod in agreement. luckily it was still early and no one was up so he got you back to your room and went to wake everyone else up. after Janson got everyone to the cafeteria and called names you were hoping he was going to 'talk to you again' but he never asked to see you. you sat there looking at the food that you had got but you didn't feel hungry at all. as you went to take a bite but you feel the spoon get thrown out of your hands. you look up pissed off as hell to see the girls that made fun of you before. "can you guys just leave me alone, please" you say trying not to lose your shit.  they laugh as they go to grab your tray but you hit her hand away from it. with that, you stand up and throw a hard punch in her face. one of her other friends tries to slap you but you catch her hand and flip her to the ground. the guards start to yell at you to stop as they run toward you. the other girls ran off once they saw the guards but you didn't care. the one you had punched lay on the floor unconscious, you jumped on top of her and threw five more hard punches. the guards yell as they grab you trying to pull you off her but you kick them hard in their private and start punching the girl. just then someone else grabs you and rips you off the girl you were about to kick him till you realized it was Janson.  he put you in a headlock so you couldn't fight him. 

once you stopped fighting him he dragged you out of there, he motioned for the guards to stay. he started walking you back to your room while holding your wrists tight in his hands behind your back. "really y/n?" he said sounding pissed off. you felt your blood still boiling from those girls. Janson stopped walking and pulled you back so you were looking at him. "answer me." he said even madder. "I'm sorry" you mumbled "they were being assholes," you said trying to calm yourself down. he let go of your wrists and gently pushed you forward to follow him. once he got you back to your room he walked in. he let out a big sigh "I know I should be mad at you right now but... you have a good punch there." he said laughing making you smile. "ok I need to make sure this girl is alright" he said turning to leave "as much as I would rather stay here with you." he said winking at me which made me blush. he chuckled before leaving. 

{so sorry that this one is so short but its midnight when I wrote this lmao}

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