"Lazy ass," Rhynn teased.

     "You're not complaining," Shane retorted. "You use Steele's enchantments as much as I do."

     I wondered about the extent of the enchantments. If I could somehow learn how to enchant things to be summoned at any given time. Like a snack. Or a vibrator.

     "What's it gonna be, Xav?" Rhynn asked the vamp, interrupting my thoughts. "Not another one of those slashers that Steele likes, please. I still have nightmares from the last one." The Shifter glared towards the fae male, who looked particularly smug at the comment.

     I watched as Shane began scrolling through titles on the large screen in front of them, landing on a particularly sensual-looking one. I tried to hide the surprise and excitement on my face as Shane started the movie. I could recognize the lead actor anywhere, a rakish-looking fae male who tended to star as the leading man in most of the romantic movies produced in Neverthall, Damian Gathar. 

     I grabbed a blanket to make myself more comfortable on the couch, keenly aware of Rhynn's presence near me. He was close enough that I could feel his heartbeat reverberating on the couch. 

     "I'll grab snacks," Steele offered. He returned a few moments later with popcorn, chips, and a small bowl of candy. I watched in awe as all three of the males moved from their various comfortable positions and onto the floor. They placed the snacks on the large coffee table, and continued watching the movie wordlessly. As if it were a rehearsed ritual that they had done a hundred times before.

     "This Des guy must be quite the force," I teased, "If he can make all three of you bow to his 'no-snacks-on-the-couch-rule.'" I leaned forward, snatching a potato chip from Rhynn. I crunched it pointedly from my comfortable spot on the sofa. Rhynn growled, and Shane gave me a secretive, knowing wink his gaze landing briefly at the couch to the left of us, which contained the crumbled remains of the potato chips from the other day.

     As I reached for another one, Steele's hand snatched my wrist. He gave me a dangerous grin. "If you want to mess with Des, be my guest. But in his absence-" Steele swiftly pulled me down from my position on the couch, blanket and all, "I'd recommend you join us."

     I was now wedged firmly between Steele and Rhynn. I scowled at the fae male, who met my angry eyes with his own. "You know, you should really-"

     "Shut up," Shane hissed from beside Rhynn, "This is the best part."

     Steele and I broke eye contact to refocus on the movie. The scene unfolding on the screen was a particularly heated moment between the two main characters. The female lead was leaning with her back against a table, the male towering over her ominously. They were in the midst of an argument, and the tension was palpable enough that I could scent the suspense on all three of the males around me.

     Suddenly, the anger between the characters broke, and the female lead planted a passionate kiss on the male's lips. He released a dangerously low growl - the one that Damian was famous for in all his other films - and reciprocated. Before I could blink, both characters were stripping. I attempted to mumble an excuse to get away, but Steele and Rhynn were still bracketing me on either side, neither of them willing to move. With my new stitches and growing wings, I didn't want to risk chafing either of them on the couch on my way to get up. So I remained where I was seated.

     Shane let out an appreciative groan as the characters made their way to the bedroom.

     "Are you okay there, Shane?" Steele teased.

     "Let me have my crush," the vamp retorted. I wasn't sure which one of the leads he meant, but I couldn't take my own eyes off of my own. I was not expecting the full view of Damian Gathar's washboard abs, nor the sudden view from behind of his ass as he pumped his hips. I managed to stifle my gasp, but it was too late. All three males scented my arousal before I could scramble away, injuries be damned.

     "Seems like you have your own celebrity crush," Rhynn crooned.

     "Shut up," I snapped. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and tried desperately to think of something other than the couple on screen fucking like rabbits, and that beautiful, beautiful male. I felt Steele's eyes on me, and both he and Rhynn seemed to press closer to me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't hate the way that both of their powerful thighs kept me in place between them.

     Not helping, I thought to myself. I tried to think of something - anything - to avoid the build up of arousal in me. But nothing was working. My face heated, and I tried to keep my eyes focused on the popcorn in my palm.

     "It's natural, you know," Steele said quietly from beside me. I felt his gaze in my periphery. "Your body's response is normal. No one here judges you for it- least of all, Shane."

     I glanced over at the vamp, whose eyes were glazed over as he looked away from the screen. I watched his nostrils flare, and the smallest peek of his fangs flick over his bottom lip.

     "It's true," Rhynn added from beside me, "No one judges in the least." But Rhynn's nostrils were flaring, too. I felt a sudden panic build up in me, at the notion of being incredibly turned on in front of three extremely attractive males that I was meant to work with - professionally - for the next ten years.

     "This is-" I pushed Steele away from me so that I could stand up, "Incredibly inappropriate, and I'd like to go back to my room now." I tried to move back over the couch to leave the room, but Steele grabbed my arm, just as he'd done before.

     His eyes looked heated. Dangerous.

     "I think I'd like a taste now," he said quietly. The other two males froze.

     "Now, Steele? Really?" Shane hissed. He paused the movie.

     "When I'm done," Steele said without breaking eye contact with me, "Maybe you can have a taste too, Shane. Ikaria might be begging at that point."

     Shane's eyes glittered darkly. I scoffed at that, but plopped myself back down on the couch. I brought the blanket closer around my body, keenly aware that my scent had probably already filled the air of the Den. Rhynn and Shane didn't move from where they were seated, but Steele joined me on the couch, his eyes flicking to the pulse at my neck.

     I shoved my arm in front of Steele's face. "Here," I offered, "Make it quick."

     "No," Steele retorted, his hand gripping my neck. And the fae male pounced. 

The Serpents of Viksenti [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now