Chapter 7

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     I awoke in a sort of peaceful tranquility that I had not felt in a long time. No one came to wake me up - I was left to my own devices. When I glanced at the clock beside my bed, it was still only 7:30 AM. Vik had woken me up at 6 consistently for at least two years, and it was odd to have the freedom to sleep in a little, even if my body was still stuck in its old habits.

     The aroma of bacon and toast filled my senses, and I left my room in a sort of daze to seek out the smell. I caught the tail end of a conversation in the Den.

     "... raid didn't go well, and it wasn't because of any sort of lax training. They had to have known ahead of time."

     "How?! The plan wasn't even fully fledged until that morning."

     "I don't know, but I don't like it, Steele. I think there's a mole."

     The Three abruptly stopped talking as soon as I walked into the room.

     "Rest well?" Rhynn asked.

     I didn't rest well, but I nodded nevertheless. "The bed was comfortable."

     Shane gave me a sideways grin. "Des made sure every room in this place had only the most comfortable of beds. He's obsessed with sleep."

     I moved into the kitchen, where a plate had been set aside for me.

     "I didn't know when you'd be up," Steele stated from where he was washing a dish in the sink, "So I made up a plate. It might be a bit cold by now."

     "No, it's- this is great," I stuttered, taking the plate and sitting at the island. Had Vik ever made me breakfast? Perhaps when we were younger and he was still trying to impress me.

     I took a bite of bacon and nearly moaned at the taste. Bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast for breakfast. I was truly being spoiled. Three sets of eyes landed on me as I dug in.

     "Like I said yesterday," I muttered through my food, "I can't put up with ten years of staring, so if you could all mind your own fucking business, I'd greatly appreciate it."

     Shane chuckled, turning to his tablet and Rhynn brought his plate into the kitchen. But Steele's cool eyes remained fixed on me as I consumed the breakfast he had made.

     Another challenge.

     "What is your problem with me?" I demanded after cleaning my plate off. "Do you not have something more interesting to do than watching me eat and brooding about it?"

     The other two members of the Six froze as Steele took a menacing step towards me. He paused for a few moments before deciding to answer my question. "I think," he started, "That you are a detriment to what we have going on here. I don't know why Zeph thought to send you here instead of keeping you in Starlight. I also think that you are more than you seem." Steele sniffed the air delicately, and his pupils dilated. "Much more than you seem. In fact," He turned towards Shane, "Don't you want a taste? I know you've been wanting to bite her as much as I have."

     Shane's eyes lit up slightly, but upon seeing the look on my face, he turned his expression to one of masked boredom. "I don't like biting unwilling participants - you know that, Steele."

     "Fine, then I guess I'll do it myself."

     One moment I was sitting at the kitchen island, and the next moment Steele had me backed against the wall. One large hand encapsulated my throat, and his other arm kept me pressed against the wall in the same way he'd cornered me in the elevator. I couldn't do anything, the blood pact between me and Zephyr preventing me from stopping Steele. My breath came in quick gasps, knowing very well that Steele could hear and feel each pounding pulse beat in my neck.

     Rhynn cursed somewhere behind them.

     "Pure fae," Steele groaned as he scented me, his fangs elongated. I was driving him wild, just as his scent was driving me wild.

     Shane approached from their left slowly. "Steele, if you're gonna do this, you need one of us around. If either of us feeds from her, we have to have someone around."

     "Or what?" Steele snapped, his eyes burning. Shane only met his gaze, an unspoken conversation occurring between them. Something changed slightly in Steele's eyes, but he gave a short nod of assent.

     No, no, no. I didn't want this. I didn't want this at all. Images of Vik crushing into my neck flooded my mind, my panic growing higher.

     "Steele," Rhynn growled. "Look at her."

     And Steele did.

     Whatever he saw made the fae male recoil from me, his fangs retracting. "I'm sorry," Steele mumbled, and stalked away.

     I was trembling. Shaking. I couldn't breathe, couldn't stop the images that were rushing into my head, the phantom sensations in my neck.

     Detached from my body, I felt my knees give way.

     "Shit!" Shane immediately came down beside me. But he was a vamp. Another vamp that could sense the pulse at my throat, the blood in my veins. He could hurt me. I choked back a sob and Shane recoiled, immediately replaced by Rhynn.

     Without saying a word, the shifter scooped me up from the ground. His warm, earthy scent encompassed me. Rhynn's arms were strong, and when I leaned my head against his chest, it became a cushion. I felt the overwhelming urge to cry, but I had already let them see me in far too vulnerable a state. I wouldn't let them have yet another moment that they could hold against me later, as evidence of weakness.

     Rhynn set me carefully on my bed.

     "Hey." His voice was nearly a purr. "Deep breaths, okay? Nothing's gonna hurt you. Steele's just a bastard. He's always a bastard." Rhynn stroked my hair tentatively, his fingers threading through the strands of blonde.

     My breathing settled as I focused on the hands in my hair. The simple gesture was enough to threaten the dam of tears that I had built up.

     "Does it help to talk about it?" Rhynn moved away from me just a fraction, leaving my hair alone. I didn't turn in his direction, but nodded slightly.

     "Someone used to bite you, didn't they?"



     "Yes. And without consent, obviously."

     A low growl filled the room, but it was more soothing than alarming. It was a growl of solidarity.

     "How can I help?"

     I allowed silence to fill the room before allowing the words to leave my mouth. "Just... stay with me."

     The shifter obliged.   

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