Chapter 9

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     The spot on my lower back remained numb as Rhynn led me through the rest of the Serpents headquarters. Sarlan had the tracker incision carefully bandaged and stitched, leaving strict instructions on wound care. Rhynn had explained that while Brady's healing skills would be helpful, there were always more pressing injuries that needed his attention. My small incision from the tracker would be far from his priority list.

     I made note of the different barracks that had been set up in the Serpent headquarters. Rhynn pointed out that Zephyr had specifically requested that there be combined barracks between all the different races. Vamps, shifters, humans, nymphs, centaurs, fauns, and every other race I could think of could be scented in the same quarters.

     "Doesn't that cause... issues?" I questioned.

     Rhynn gave a quick nod as we moved past the barracks. "Unfortunately. The most recent problem has been that our humans are continuing to get singled out for fights. They're easy blood for the vamps. Most Shifters just like messing with them. Those with fae blood like playing their tricks. The rest of the races usually remain uninvolved, but most still enjoy watching the antics of the others." Rhynn rolled his eyes. "But no matter what Shane and I do or say, we can't baby the humans. Zephyr chose each of them for a reason, and they have to prove their place, just like anyone else."

     "But they have no magic," I gaped, "So how are they supposed to defend themselves against, say, compulsion from a vamp, or illusions from the fae? They have no defense against any of that." I immediately think of my father and mother, both of them painfully human.

     "That's a great question," Rhynn said with a grin as we reentered the Den, "And you should ask Des about that when he gets back."

     "My list of questions is getting longer," I commented bitterly, making my way towards a couch, "Which isn't helpful if I'm supposed to eventually help lead the Serpents chapter here in Viksenti."

     Steele's eyes tracked my movements. "Your questions will get answered eventually," he told me, a faint glimmer of amusement in those golden eyes, "Just be patient."

     I didn't acknowledge Steele's words, instead sitting down on a long sofa, careful not to disturb my new wound. The nubs of my wings brushed against the fabric backing of the couch. It was jolting, to have feeling in a place that used to be either numb, or screaming with pain.

     "Well," Rhynn declared, plopping himself beside me, "Are we going to do something, or are we going to sit in boredom for the rest of the day?"

     Shane grunted from an armchair. "I vote a movie."

     "As long as Rhynn doesn't pick it, I'm in," Steele murmurs, gracefully leaping over the couch and taking a seat near me.

     "Hey," Rhynn whined from beside me, "That was a perfectly fine movie."

     "It was too... dramatic," Steele said carefully.

     "You're just mad because it made you cry," Rhynn retorted.

     "Yes," Steele agreed, "I am mad because it made me cry. I watch movies to be entertained, Ry. Not to cry."

     Rhynn just chuckled.

     "My choice, then," Shane purred from where he was seated. He snapped a finger, and a remote appeared in his hand.

     I blinked.

     "An enchantment," Steele explained. "I placed several of them in here, per Shane's request."

     "This way," Shane drawled in explanation, "I don't even have to get up in order to get what I need."

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