Chapter:26- Hearts and dolls

Depuis le début

Santa walked down the hallways of a dark corridor in the mall, just when shots of arrows opened holes in her. "I didn't think you'd come." She said as Quanxi charged at her Santa smiled, "I didn't expect to see you... it's an honor to see the person said to be the first devil hunter."

Another shot cut her into pieces but she regenerated almost instantly, "I see, I can spread the pain into my dolls." Santa said, "So then, how should I kill an invisible hunter?"

Denji was under attack while Quanxi helped him through, only to be suddenly caught by Santa. "I finally caught you." It said, only to be destroyed again by Quanxi's arrows.

"Not good, night's coming."

Quanxi looked aside as the sun sunk into darkness, Santa grew bigger, creepier and even more powerful, Denji gulped, "Is it just me or did you get creepier?" He shouted as her mouth opened wider, "While you were busy killing me, I took the liberty to make even more dolls." She smiled, as Quanxi stood there in shock, "This shit again...?"

All those who Quanxi ever cared for, ended up meeting the same fate... Death. Those she loved and those who loved her. But the four fiends who always followed her no matter what. Those fiends she loved. 'Long and Pingsti are dead...' And now they had been turned to dolls, holding Tsugihagi hostage. Quanxi couldn't bring herself to kill them, despite knowing that they were dolls. She could cry over her loss, if her face could be seen.

And even as the doll stabbed her, all Quanxi could so was hug the doll of Pingsti, that stabbed her. If only for one last time.


Suddenly huge spheres of ice dropped over Santa as she looked above her in shock. "An angel...? No..." She saw a girl floating above, with huge blue wings and beside her a boy sitting on tentacles of an octopus.

"Don't overdo it now, you promised Snow."

"I know... but turning Quanxi's women into dolls and using them against her...?" She grit her teeth and showered down more icebergs at Santa.

"Simply unforgivable."

She said as Quanxi looked at her in shock. Denji on the other hand set himself on fire to attack Santa, beheading with the power of light.


Yoshida slowly held Frost as she came down to the ground. Santa shouted in pain as she stuttered and fell, "Even after deepening my wisdom with the power of darkness... I still can't comprehend the actions of fools!" Those words made both Denji and Frost shout back at her.

"How dare you call him a fool!?" Frost said.

"I watch educational TV everyday!" Denji shouted and set a few dolls around him on fire too, pulling the monster in along with him as he burnt Santa along with it's dolls. "This is my shining power AAaah!" Denji blew up a car to fully burn Santa.

Frost ran towards Quanxi as Santa lay down, her regeneration was slowed but soon she could get up if not finished. "Quanxi!" Frost said as Quanxi came back to her human form, tired and lost. The two dolls of Long and Pingsti were gone, fallen to the ground as the other two fiends approached Quanxi.

"Y/n..." Quanxi said while stroking Frost's cheek. "Are you alright...?" She lightly spoke while Quanxi sat up with the help of her fiends. They gave her clothes and then sat beside her.

𝐷𝐸𝑉𝐼𝐿'𝑠 𝐿𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑦》Cʜᴀɪɴsᴀᴡ Mᴀɴ X RᴇᴀᴅᴇʀOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant