The Aftereffects (15)

235 16 37

TW // vomitting and brief medical and blood mentions

mmmm so tired sorry if there's any mistakes I need to mimimi zzzz

also Blaine is the yellow steve w the leather chestplate 👍 just a heads up


The Green Leader, Sage, sat up in his chair from the yelling. He'd been dozing off, almost perfectly asleep until Amory had bursted in. He grabbed Sage's arm and began yanking him out of his chair, onto his feet.

"Amory- Amory, calm down. What's going on?!" He tried to say more, but noticed the blood on his shoulder. His concern tripled, and he reached a hand to it.

"I-It's not mine- S-Sabre's, it's Sabre's-" M was barely able to mutter out, his voice shaking and wobbling as if he'd collapse like a leaf. Sage didn't need much more than that, he could figure out the situation from there. Sabre was injured, injured enough that he needed help quickly.

"Need- He's lost a lot of blood- h-he's at the Professor's lab-" Sage nodded as Amory muttered out his worries. "Go back to the lab, help the professor as much as you can. I'll grab a few of my healers, I won't be far behind you."

Amory looked at Sage as if he was crazy, then sniffed and nodded. He didn't have the energy to protest, and so he teleported back to the lab. Seconds later, Sage ran out the door, not wasting any time.

He tried to mentally figure out what exactly he'd need, but a bit of blood on M's shoulder didn't measure anything. Better to have more than needed than having too little, right?


Professor Red did not have enough blood samples for the whole transfusion. Sure, he had enough combined, but mixing the wrong blood type with Sabre's would be disastrous. It already had bad side effects mixing with a type that matched his, mixing more in that didn't match would lead to things he couldn't fix.

Assistant was trying to help the best he could, but he couldn't do much more than the professor could besides being an extra pair of hands. Both of them were doing everything they could to keep Sabre stable, and they were barely managing to do so.

Lightning crashed in, getting the professor's attention briefly while Assistant continued with the transfusion. They didn't have many blood samples left, and Sabre was still going to be short on quite a bit of it.

M was back now, and he was clearly shaken by the whole thing. Teleporting only a few feet away from Sabre surely didn't help either, as M felt lightheaded enough to pass out for a moment.

"L-Leader's... coming. S-Soon-" M spoke in a manner as if he was floating, his vocals chords unfocused and cracking as he spoke. Professor Red nodded intently, "Light- Take M to his room... please." he called to Light and watched the transfusion slowly.

"No- No I- I want to stay with..." M covered his mouth as if he was going to be sick, and Light- who'd been watching it all from the doorway- walked down and began slowly bringing M to the stairs.

"N-NO! I DON'T WANNA LEAVE HIM!" M tried to shake himself out of Light's arms, but he overpowered him physically and was able to hold him back as M shakily stretched a hand out. He reached out as if it would somehow be able to hold Sabre and reassure him.

Professor Red winced from M yelling, and how it slowly got quieter as Light dragged him further and further away. Assistant fake-coughed to draw the Professor's attention back to the situation, in which all the blood samples had run dry.

Out of Sight (RQ AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon