The Mob (2)

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Sabre gripped onto Light as tightly as his arms would let him, his heart thumping in his chest as he held onto his albino friend. Warm tears rested at the edge of his eyes, although he tried his hardest to not let them fall out. He focused on Light, all of him focused on Light.

Light wearily raised his arms around Sabre and held right back. For a minute the world felt the same as it did before. They had each other, and that was fine.

After their hug had gone on a bit too long though, Light pulled away. Now his happiness was mixed with even more confusion.

If he was really here, then how? Light had been right there when everything happened, the rift, the First Curse, all of it.

Sabre was supposed to be gone. Why was he back now?

"Okay, you have a LOT to explain. Sabre, I'm glad to see you, but how?"

And that's where everything fell silent once again. Sabre looked at Light, opened his mouth to talk, but closed it again.

What was he supposed to say? That Origin himself sent Sabre back?- That was what happened, but how was Sabre supposed to just say that?

'Oh yeah Light, so Origin himself sent me back with his own two hands.' didn't sound so great, despite Light having seen Origin before.

Plus, the Yellow leader was also right there. None of this would make any sense to him either.

".. I'll.. uh- I'll explain later." Sabre muttered. It probably sounded more suspicious than his actual reasoning.

Nonetheless, the other two didn't question it, although they did shoot him strange glances. Light already looked like he was suspecting something, but the Leader just looked.. annoyed.

"Anyways- I-.." Light momentarily trailed off. "We should go deal with the crowd outside. They're probably wondering what's happened."

The Yellow Leader nodded, "Of course, I'll get to it."

Light tried to say something else, but the Leader was already out the door, leaving Light alone with Sabre.

He stood there for a second until he felt Sabre hugging him from behind. It briefly made him think he was being attacked until he remembered no one else was even there.

Light awkwardly turned the best he could to hug Sabre again. Truthfully, he wasn't really a hugger or anyone who showed much affection, but seeing his friend after years was..

Sabre clung onto Light tightly, he missed his friend. His friend who barely ever seems to cry or feel, but still somehow stayed with him.

..for the most part.

Despite everything, Light still missed him too. He let Sabre cling onto him as tight as he could, a few tears now rolling out of his eyes.

The leader wasn't there anymore, so of course the second Sabre pulled away his mouth was moving.

"I- I didn't think I'd- How's it been since I left? What happened?! Have I-"

Light cut him off by a light smack to the shoulder. "Don't ask me what happened, how are you back?! I mean, you have to have some sort of answer!"

Sabre paused, and looked down, then looked up at Light again.

"W-Well, Origin sent me back."



"...the one you 'created'-"

"Y-Yes. It's not like I have godly powers now Light, it's okay-"

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