It was dark, the only light source being the covered window which barely let any light in.

Anna walked in first and lit the candles that were placed around the room. Hiccup stayed behind and scanned the room.

The walls were covered in papers with writings on them, assuming they were the poems Anna was talking about. Alongside them, there were drawings of beasts and a few family portraits. What an odd mix.

Anna was right about the sculptures. They looked terrifying.

There was one medium sized one placed on a table in the corner of the room. It looked like some sort of dragon, but it wasn't a dragon Hiccup had seen before. This one looked like it was possessed, like a demon dragon. It's claws were really long and sharp, it's teeth looked like daggers and even though the ice sculpture was blue, the eyes were glowing red.

"That one scared me the most." Anna said, standing next to Hiccup who was still looking at the sculpture.

"She would see that thing in her nightmares once a month." She continued. "She always had nightmares, and I always thought it was because of her magic, but she always tried to convince me that it was something else."

"Something else?" Hiccup asked. "Like what?"

"She would say that she felt like she had a darkness within her, something she couldn't figure out what it was." She answered. "I didn't believe her until a few years ago when I was in the dungeon and had a lot of time to think. She loved her magic, but she thought something bad was attached to her because of it. I felt sorry for her. She didn't ask for any of this, but just because of the way she was born and what she was born with, she was constantly filled with fear and torment. I wanted to help her, but she wouldn't let me, so I took the backseat and supported her instead."

Hiccup looked at the peaceful Elsa who was still in his arms.

He had no idea about any of that. She never told him. He knew she felt scared all of the time, but he assumed it was just Grimmel, not anything else.

"You can place her on her bed." Anna said, changing the subject. "I'll go get a blanket from the maids room."

With that, Anna walked out of the door, leaving Hiccup behind who gently placed Elsa on the bed.

He brushed the hair out of her face and stared at her.

"I can't wait for you to wake up." He whispered.

Anna walked back in, holding three blankets.

"I brought three." She said, handing one of them to the Viking.

"I figured you weren't going to leave her side, because I'm not." She said. She placed one in Elsa, making sure it covered her entire body.

Hiccup nodded and took the other blanket.

"I don't think I'm going to leave this room until she wakes up." He said. "I don't want her to wake up alone."

"Neither do I." Anna said. "We can sit here."

The two sat on the couch by the window and placed the blanket over themselves.

"Why don't you take whatever that is off?" Anna asked. "We'll be here for a while, so you might as well be comfortable.

Hiccup looked down at his body. He was still wearing his armor. He hadn't taken it off since he left Arendelle the day everything started.

"You mean my armor?" He asked, looking back at Anna.

"Yeah that." She said. "You won't be needing it for a while either. The ugly man is gone, we're safe."

Hiccup wanted to believe her words, but the ice sculpture that was looming behind Anna was telling other otherwise.

As it Was (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now