Forty four

7 1 0

I'd been pulled from the side of the stage before the boys had even gotten to the chorus of their third song. Brooke pulled me quickly through the double doors. 

"Callie is having an emergency with her dress." My face dropped and we started running to her dressing room. She was on next.

"What kind of emergency?" 

"It won't close." 

"Shit." Think Ez. I put my hand on Brooke. "Go get my black dress. If we can't make it fit we can swap." 


"I know."  Me and Callie didn't exactly have the same fashion sense. Her dress tonight was a little short and too sparkly for my vibe but, needs must. It was a cute dress either way. I turned and continued running back to Callie's room, knocking and stepping inside quickly. 

"Ooohkay. I heard we're having some issues?" I smiled at her and tilted my head. "Don't cry Cal, we don't have time to fix you're makeup. Brooke is getting mine as a back up." 

"It's my bum. I've been doing too many days at the gym." She wined and Melody giggled beside her. 

"Don't worry. Here let me see if I can get it on." 

The silver backless dress had looked so good on her when she got it a few weeks ago. It had been a little tight then, but she was working on loosing some weight. We'd all told her not to bother, to just find something else and save the stress but she'd refused. 

When I'd asked last week she said it fit like a glove now. Something is telling me that was a lie and she hadn't tried it on, because here we were 8 minutes before she was going on and even I couldn't get it up. 

"Okay-" I sighed and stood up. "Mine it is babe." I stood back as Brooke stepped in and handed it to me. "It's a lot more glittery under the lights I promise." I handed it to her and she smiled gently, stepping into the dressing room. 

"What are you going to wear now?" Melody looked at me and I turned to her. 

"I'm going to have to hope I can fit into hers otherwise, I might have a skirt and a crop top in my car but it's not exactly stage show kind of outfit." 

"Do you want me to go get something from the studio?" Brooke looked at me and I shook my head. 

"It's fine let's tackle it one thing at a time. How's it going Cal?" The curtain pulled back and she backed up. 

"Can you zip me up?" I took a step forward and pulled it up, letting her turn around as she did. 

"How does it feel?" 

"A little tight on my hips but not like I'm scared it's going to rip." I nodded as she took a few deep strides. "Yeah I think it's fine." 

"Great let's go." I turned and pulled the door open, ushering the 3 girls out. 4 minutes. Brooke grabbed the dress from the changing room floor and followed me out. 

We ran to the stage and I let Callie go back through the double doors but carried on with Brooke to my own room. 

"What are you going to do if it doesn't fit Ez?" 

"Besides cry?" I laughed, throwing Levi's jacket onto the sofa and starting to strip quickly. If it wasn't going to fit we needed to know now. "Remain calm and deal with it. Nothing else I can do. Worst comes to worse I either don't perform or I go on in this, which isn't terrible, it'll just need some styling I guess." I threw the casual dress at her as I stood in my underwear, my back to Brooke so she wasn't staring at my boobs. "I told her to get a size up." 

"We all did Ez. Next time we will have to get her a second option and keep it on hand just incase." 

"I might start doing that with everyone. If they go down a size that's not as bad, a few stitches and it's fine. But if clothes are too tight, it can be an absolute nightmare."  I sighed and took the dress from Brooke. "If this fits, it's a miracle and I'm glad I didn't wear a bra with my other dress." I chuckled and pushed one foot into the dress, followed quickly by the second. 

It slid on pretty easy, a slight jiggle over my hips, but otherwise we were good. 

"See, we're fine." I slowly walked over to the long mirror staring at how deep this came down. The way it wrapped around my neck, connecting together in the middle with bra like clasps. I definitely wasn't going to fall out of it that's for sure. 

"My god." I turned to Brooke who's jaw was on the floor.


"Have you seen your arse in that?" I quickly turned around and looked backwards. "Fuck Isaac and Levi. Run away with me." She smirked and I threw my head back laughing. "I didn't think it was possible for it to look as good as it does on Callie, but you definitely look so much hotter in it."

I watched as she moved across to the makeup desk, pulling the chair out and patting for me to sit down. 

"Now you can't look that stunning and have next to no makeup on." Her hands quickly muddled around in the bags, looking for something specific as she started working on my face.

"Don't go mad Brooke." I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning back slightly. I knew my words held no meaning to her. 

"Ez, are you in here?" 

"DON'T COME IN." Brooke shouted looking up the the door. "You can't see her until she's ready. Go wait by the stage door. She won't be long." The door slowly closed again and Brooke giggled.

"That was mean Brooke." I raised my eyebrows. 

"He'll get it when he sees you. Don't worry. Though saying that, he's going to forget his name when he sees you. So is Jason." I opened my eyes and stared at her. "What?" She laughed and I shook my head. "Hold still."

Erica Clifford - Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें