Chapter 35: after learning

Start from the beginning

Aunt Ren led him through the crowd and walked straight forward, to a place where the fire was almost out of reach, and next to the rocky rocks.

Luo Chi opened his eyes slightly.

Here he sees Mr. Shadow.

Mr. Shadow stretched out his hand, and Aunt Ren put his hand in.

The whistle sounded for a long time on the opposite side of the sea, the lights of the cruise ship suddenly illuminated the sea, and Luo Chi's vision became white.

Everything in the dream gradually disappeared in this white light.

Luo Chi stood in the thick fog again.

He rested here for a long time, and for the first time suddenly felt anxious.

Here are his memories. He has been guarding these memories like a pauper dragon, picking and choosing among them, struggling to find a short clip that is enough to make a bedtime story to sleep peacefully.

Then the thorns that climbed out of more memories spread and grew, tied his body, bound his hands and feet, and kept him in place.

He doesn't stay here.

He didn't know how to get out, so he instinctively ran in the direction where the whistle sounded.

He found that he was being swallowed by this fog, the more he ran, the more he swallowed, but it didn't matter, he had to look outside before disappearing completely.

He remembered that it was a hospital outside, and he didn't like hospitals very much, but it wasn't a big problem.

He wants to look outside.

Luo Chi knocked out the fog.

He could no longer distinguish his own shape and outline, but he could smell the waves, and the cool water was blown up by the sea breeze and touched his face lightly.

Ming Weiting hugged Luo Chi and carefully placed him on the reclining chair.

There are also doctors on the cruise ship, and the corresponding wards for recuperation have been remodeled. The Xun family sent another person, and the necessary medical facilities were also prepared.

After confirming that Luo Chi's physical condition was basically stable, Ming Weiting brought him back to the cruise ship.

They came back in the early morning, and the wind had not been hot from the sun, but the cold of the night had basically faded away.

The weather was fine, the sun was a little bit out of the clouds, a very saturated reddish warm orange.

Luo Chi's body suddenly wriggled weakly in his arms.

Ming Weiting protected him in time, and was about to let Uncle Lu bring the oxygen generator over. He raised his eyes and was about to speak when he was suddenly stunned.

Luo Chi put his pillow in his arms and slowly opened his eyes.

Unlike every time he woke up before, Luo Chi's expression was a little dazed, but his eyes were no longer as empty as before.

Ming Weiting looked at him and said in a low voice, "Huo Miao."

Luo Chi blinked slightly.

He subconsciously recognized the mouth shape of the other party, and then he remembered that he could hear a little sound, and those sounds were processed by the slow-moving gears, and then he came to the answer bit by bit: "Flame?"

They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes  (BL) Where stories live. Discover now