10 | Breaking Eggs For A Hundred Cupcakes

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"Ugh, this is my least favourite part," Everett moaned, suddenly smashing an egg against the side of a bowl before dropping it in.

"Wha- why are you doing that," I asked in shock as he started painstakingly fishing out the bits of shell from the cracked egg.

"It takes sooo long, sometimes the whole day even," he complained, his hands in the yolk.

"Just throw that away and break another egg properly!"

"They all break like this."

"They're not supposed to—"

Everett gasped suddenly, snatching his hand away. "Ow!"

"What happened?" I asked, moving to take his hand.

His fingers were thinner than I expected, with a faded burn along the knuckle of his pinky which I assumed was a careless baking accident. His palms were rough, littered with lines that made an intricate pattern. They reminded me of the dappled shadows created by sunlight streaming through leafy trees.

"It pricked meee," he wailed as I dragged him to the sink. "They should, like...create an egg and shell separator thing. I saw an egg separator once and got really excited, but it was only to separate the yolk—and even that didn't work because the yolk and white are already mixed together when you crack it," he babbled.

I was certain he shook the eggs around before cracking them. But that seemed like a whole other conversation to get into.

"Maybe leave the eggs to me," I suggested as I squeezed some detergent onto his palm and then ran his hand under a cool stream of water.

He gazed at me with huge bright eyes that made my heartbeat falter and come to a halt. "Thank you, Clementine."

"Yeah uh...no problem."

I dropped his hand like hot lava. He didn't take his eyes off me as I felt my face starting to warm up.

"Allergic to something?" he murmured, his voice suddenly soft. It's deeper than usual cadence was making me hot all over.

"Just random allergies," I hastily reassured.

We were still standing by the sink, inches away from each other. From this distance I noticed that he was slightly taller than me. His curly mop of hair stuck out and added to the impression.

His face was so close to mine that I was sure he could hear how fast I was breathing. My palms felt sweaty; I was glad they weren't still touching him.

I gulped, taking a step back. "I guess I should uh...crack the rest of those eggs. You can mix the flour and stuff, but make sure you use a low setting."

Everett shrugged, seemingly unaffected. We got back to work and finished up the batter and ganache, for a bit more than a hundred cupcakes. I decided I was glad that there was so much to be done, and that I didn't really have time to daydream.

Because, for a moment there, I had almost wanted to kiss him.

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A/n: reading lots of onc books? You might enjoy this story by guywortheyauthor

It's sort of like if Wednesday and Enid were lovers, but also dungeons and dragons characters, and the dungeon master keeps trying to kill them off

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It's sort of like if Wednesday and Enid were lovers, but also dungeons and dragons characters, and the dungeon master keeps trying to kill them off.

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