Chapter 4 - Moving in

Start from the beginning

He picked up the figure of Icarus, his outfit was notably pretty, whenever he was on the battlefield his long grey coat and cyan blue accents stole the show.

The outfit in more detail was a cyan blue button up with a long grey coat which ran down to his knees and ended with a blue stripe at the bottom. He wore golden colored cuffs on the end of his sleeves, boots similar to his coat, and had large white wings piercing from his back.

Everyone knew they had them but the two younger villains rarely used them unless they were in trouble and had no other choice. Zephyrus used them the most, the reason Niki didn't make the figure without them was because she wanted to challenge herself.

The wings came out beautifully; they were made of literal wax with a special coating which protected it from warm temperatures. She explained why they were made of wax and not feathers like the other two.

Niki said that Icarus' Greek myth was that he flew too close to the sun with wax wings made by his father Daedalus. He was told not to but did so anyway because he wanted to fly to heaven, the wings melted and he fell from the sky into the water below. He was arrogant, disobedient, and ambitious.

No one knew what his power was until he used it a few months ago, Dream had impaled him with Warden's trident and the villain collapsed. But it only took a few seconds after the villain removed the trident from the wound it sealed like nothing happened, it didn't even seem to pain him as much as it should have.

He also had a strong voice ability to mimic the voices of others around him that he hears. It also bordered on inducing certain emotions like anger or fear.

Thanatos on the other hand had large black wings, they were a little larger than Icarus', made of trimmed raven feathers. And they were in a somewhat threatening pose. Spread wide out to show the whole wingspan, and curving forward near the ends.

He had used this tactic multiple times and it seemed to actually work; the heroes backed away because they had learned from former battles what would happen if they didn't.

When he first did this tactic, Hearthfire got too close and was shot back by the force created by his large wings. He hit a wall and was almost killed as the stone barrier became dented and coated in his blood.

The hero was lucky but he always tried to return the favor and failed. Thanatos was terrifying when he went on the defensive, he did this when he was cornered and didn't have enough room to fly away.

He wore shades of black and grey with red and dark pink as accents. It was mostly black with a black shirt, a thin overlay of red fabric and a black jacket, his pants were black with red chains hanging down from his grey belt.

His boots seemed to be made of gold with a slight metallic luster. And he wore black gloves over his hands with two golden bracelets on each wrist.

His power was heightened, strength, and resistance.

Now came Zephyrus with his usual outfit, he had large white wings, and he was mid flight. The figure was held up by a clear stick holding onto a clear platform. His wings were spread out and it looked like he had just taken off.

The only reason Zephyrus's wings were black was because of his shadow cloak ability. Some people had a power and an offshoot ability that could be similar or completely different.

Zephyrus could control the wind like the god of the west winds, his ability allowed him to cloak his body or a part of his body in shadows, which he often used on his wings.

Zephyrus had evaded heroes easily with this ability as it worked in his favor most of the time.

"What are you holding?" Wilbur's voice came from behind him, his voice was laced with amusement. Tommy sighed and put down Icarus back onto the shelf, turning he stared at the brit with a frown. Spotting the box in his hand he became uninterested, "you didn't have to buy all this stuff for me" he groaned in annoyance. "I know, but I wanted to," Wilbur responded, putting the box down on the desk and starting to open it up.

"All my stuff is already here, and why do I have a desk?" he asked the brunette, Wilbur laughed and pulled out an unopened box. Sliding the box onto the table he pushed the original box off.

Wilbur was hiding most of it but Tommy caught a glimpse of the label, Manifold Tech was written in bold red letters with a blue 3d shadow and their logo beneath it. He explained it was based on and akin to the hero Anaglyph.

The devices sold were noticeably cheaper than other tech companies made them, but they were still expensive, especially to people like Tommy. They sold almost any type of tech and even made custom technology if you could pay for it.

He gasped when Wilbur pulled out a red laptop from the white box. It was custom made with black stripes lining the perimeter of the outside. In the middle was branded with the cursive form of Tommy's name.

"What?!" he yelled, but Wilbur cut him off before Tommy could say anything more. "If you need help setting it up just call me"

Tommy sputtered out a "how?" Too late, as Wilbur had shut the door before he could respond.

~/ ^ \~ (This is Geraldine, she will be our POV swap)

As Wilbur shut the door behind him he heard Tommy stutter out a "How?". He had slipped a note under the computer while the man wasn't looking. Along with some cash for groceries.

He stifled a laugh as he met Techno and Phil downstairs. "So?" Techno asked the brit. "He's perfect" Wilbur responded, Phil replied with a "I think so too".

Techno sighed, "alright, but showering him with gifts isn't gonna gain his trust enough to join our family" he stated.

Wilbur laughs "Look you gotta get on someone's good side before gaining their trust. He'll be one of us soon".

He assured himself that by the end of the year Tommy would be his brother.

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