Chapter 13

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Time flew by quickly.

Nathaniel was discharged from hospital.

Marinette and Kagami had come out, officially, about their relationship and their friends couldn't be happier for them.

Marinette remained in school with Kagami, Luka, Ondine and Nicolas but hung out with the others at any option they could get.

With Kagami's help, as Ryuko, both her and Marinette/Ladybug, entrusted the other heroes with their miraculous' permanently. As they did, they allowed Cat Noir and Viperion to know of their identities too. Marinette must admit, it did take away some of the burden of having to keep their identities secret and having to find away to give the go ahead for the others to transform when their assistance is requested. Now she could entrust Chat, Viperion and Kagami to do it with her.

Things changed, yes, but it was for the better. Who knows what other challenges will be thrown their way, and you never know, if Chat keeps asking, Marinette might even succumb to allowing an identity reveal with the both of them, plus Ryoku and Viperion, as they were the only ones that didn't know (exception of Viperion as he knew both LB and Chat's identities).

Marinette and Kagami, along with Luka and Chat, all in their hero personas and identities still a secret, they watched as the sunset before them, casting an orange hue over the city.  Chat had asked about their identities earlier that day and LB caught him off guard by saying that she'd think about it. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"Chat?" She began, causing the other three to turn. "I've been thinking about our identity reveal. You know know of all the other heroes, and I think it's only fair if we knew of each other's."

"W-Wait. A-are you serious...?!" Chat exclaimed. "But what about the entire exposure stuff and target for akumatizations shit?"

"Well, If Bunnix shows up, then it obviously wasn't meant to happen yet, but if they don't, then it was the right time."

"... Only if you're sure, M'lady. I know I've been putting pressure on you for this, so please don't just do it to keep me satisfied."

"Quiet the opposite, Kitty. I really do think it's time. Ready?"

Ryuko, Viperion and Chat nodded. They stood in a circle, so they could face eachother.

"On the count of three, we'll say the commands and detransform." Ladybug explained. "If anyone wants to back out, then turn around and block your ears."

They waited for a few moments, but no one turned away.

"We're really doing this." Chat whispered.

"Ready?" Everyone closed their eyes and Ladybug began to count. "3... 2... 1... Spots Off."

"Claws In."

"Clear Skies."

"Scales Rest."

After a few moments, they all opened their eyes and their faces were beyond shocked. Adrien even began to tear up, upon seeing his lover was once the snake dressed hero. He squeezed his eyes shut and flung himself at the taller boy.

"Hey... It's alright, Angel...!" Luka soothed as he ran a hand through the model's blonde locks.

"I'm just surprised that it's you...!" The latter mumbled. He pulled away, wiped his eyes and faced the two girls. "I can't believe it was you, Marinette."

"And I can't believe I've been crushing on you and pushing you away at the same time...!" Marinette replied with embarrassment as she placed her hand on the back of her neck.

"That was a very brave thing to do, Marinette." Kagami smiled softly.

"Thanks, Kagami. But you know we still need to keep our identities hidden from the others."

"Will they ever be able to know?" Adrien questioned.

"In time. Alya already knows about me, Nino and Alya know about eachother, and you and I know about Alix. It's getting complicated knowing who knows who and who doesn't."

"That's fair. But at least both Luka and Kagami can cover for you if you need to run out suddenly."

"That is true. But like all of them, they can keep their miraculous' and we'll just go off and find them to give them the go ahead to transform."

"I must ask." Luka began. "How is Nathaniel going to cope with Ziggy?"

"I gave Ziggy orders to keep an eye on him and incase anything happens, she is to call either me, you, Kagami or, now; Adrien."

The three of them nodded in agreeance for the plan. It is the best way to make sure that Nathaniel is safe. At least, now, he has someone that can continuously watch over him.

They gave their Kwamis a treat and continued to watch the sunset before it turned dark. They all transformed once more and bid their goodbyes, before going off in their given directions of their homes. As Marinette jumped from building to building, she realised how, if she ever needed Adrien for information exchanged or just needing to talk about heroics, she knew exactly where to find him.

She landed on her balcony and detransformed once more, giving Tikki another macaroon. She went into her room and got changed. One thing that was different was that there were no Kwamis zipping about her room, playing with her things, asking for food, checking in on their holders or asking about her day. Now they all had different homes to get accustomed to. New routines to do with their holders, and having to master the art of staying outta sight.

Marinette laughed to herself. While the Kwamis would find it easy, Kwamis like Xuppu would find it harder as his attention span lasted as long as a bubble does. Kim will have is work cut out for him but at the same time, Kim is very much like the monkey Kwami, hence why they are such a great pair.

Marinette lay in her bed. She sent a goodnight text to Kagami, before turning off her phone and putting it to the side by her pillow. She turned her head to Tikki and gave her a kiss before snuggling under her blankets and letting sleep consume her as she thought of all the antics the other Kwamis would get up to now.

She was happy with how her life turned out.

She changed schools

She has a girlfriend, in which was a surprise.

The other Kwamis had permanent holders.

Her and Chat had revealed their identities and nothing happened.

But one thing is for sure, she wouldn't change it for the world.

The story has been completed!

Thanks for reading and keep your eyes peeled for more content!

Love your friend,


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