Chapter 11

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Kagami had stayed over at Marinette's house that Friday night and were hanging out that Saturday. They were walking hand-in-hand when they saw Nathaniel and Marc. When the boys saw them, Nathan waved rather enthusiastically. Mari giggled and waved back.

"Hey, Marinette! Hey, Kagami!" Nathaniel smiled as they stopped before the girls

"Hey, Nate! Hey, Marc!" Marinette smiled back. "What are you guys upto?"

"Not much. We were going to get ice-cream from André. We're kinda on a date at the moment."

"Kagami and I were about to do the same thing! We heard he was on the bridge near where Luka lives."

"Oh, sweet! you just saved us a lot of time to find him!"

"Why didn't you just use the app?" Kagami queried as the 4 of them headed to André's location.

"I left my phone at home." Marc replied. "And Nate's screen is so badly cracked Im suprised he can see anything on it."

"Its not that bad...!" Nathaniel pouted.

"Show them then."

"Fine." Nate pulled his phone out his pocket and revealed the screen had a massive spiderweb like crack starting from the top left corner and reaching to the opposite bottom corner.

"What the heck happened to it, Nathan?!" Marinette gasped.

"I had a bad BPD episode and pegged my phone at the wall from the top of the stairs in our apartment building while my brother and I left for school Friday Morning."

"How many flights of stairs...?!"

"Two I think. Surprisingly my phone still works. Hey! There's André!" Nathaniel ran ahead to get the icecrema for him and Marc.

"Im gonna get him a new phone for his birthday and he can't stop me nor say no." Marc smirked while he and the girls walked before eventually joining Nathaniel.

Marinette and Kagami got their icecream and sat down on the edge of the river, legs dangling over. As they talked and ate their icecreams, two figures wandered over.

"Hey, guys!" came a cheery voice.

"Hey, Adrien! Hey, Luka!" Nathaniel and Marinette chorused. The duo looked at each othrr and laughed.

"Was that rehearsed?" Luka questioned.

"Nope. Unless they did it telepathically." Marc smiled as Kagami giggled.

Nathaniel suddenly punched Adrien in the arm and began to curse him off. Adrien, used to Nathaniel's BPD fuelled outbursts, rubbed his arm and tried to calm the ginger-red head down. He eventually did and the latter lay his head on Marc's left shoulder with a pout on his lips.

"So... What's been happening at Françoise Dupont? Anything exciting happen?"

"Lila's back." Adrien huffed. "And she's pretending to be my 'girlfriend' but everyone knows she's lying because they all know I'm fucking Gay."

"She tried flirting with me." Marc said quietly as  he ate one last bite of the icecream. Nathaniel hit her."

"If given the chance I'd beat the shit outta her!" Nate replied with terrifying enthusiasm. "If she lays one finger on him or even breathes in Marc direction, Im going for blood."

"Nate. No."

"Nate, Yes! Ha Ha Ha!"

"I take it everything is back to normal?" Marinette smiled.

"As Normal as our class can get, yes." Adrien laughed as Luka returned with an ice-cream. "What about you?"

"Kagami and I are dating now...!"

"Really?! I'm happy for you two!"

"Didnt see you as the lesbian, type." Nathaniel said suddenly, back to his normal self."

"And I cant imagine you as a straight guy with a crush on Marinette or Chloé." Kagami retaliated flatly.


The grouplaughed before continuing to talk for a little while longer. After a while, the three couples went their seperate ways. When they got back to the bakery, Kagami's mother was there to pick her up. Exchanging a quick kiss, Kagami hoped in the car and left and Marinette headed into the bakery.


That Monday, Kagami, Marinette and Luka were at the lockers, just chatting about their weekend, when Marinette looked around with a look of concern on her face.

"Hey... Guys?" She began, causing the duo to look up. "Shouldn't Nicolas and Ondine be here by now?"

"Come to think of it, yeah. They should." Luka replied. "Hang in. I'll call Angel and ask him if Nathaniel's there." He pulled out his phone and began to text Angel, AKA, Adrien. After a few moments, he stopped, out his phone away and looked at the girls. "Neither Nathaniel or Miss Bustier are at his school, either."

"Strange." Kagami said simply, taking Marinette's hand as they headed in the direction of their classrooms. "Do you think it might have something to do with Nate?"


"I wouldn't be surprised." Marinette added. "Considering he was hospitalised for breaking his arm. He's also broken his hand, dislocated his shoulder, thrown his phone down two flights of stairs and been in rehab for self harming. But, while  the theory of him being in hospital wouldn't surprise me, I'm still worried. I hope he's OK...!"

"I'll ask Adrien to keep me updated and I'll pass the information over to you two during break. OK?"

Both girls nodded simultaneously. Kagami and Marinette wandered into class and waved Luka off as he continued to his own class. Both girls sat down at their table and waited for their teacher to arrive. Marinette took off her blazer, as it was getting warm, and placed it over the back of her chair. When the teacher wandered in, took attendance and began to teach, Marinette's mind kept wandering to the thought of Nathaniel being hurt thanks to his BPD.

Needing to concentrate, she shook her head to try and focus. She began to hurriedly copy the notes from the blackboard. These would be important for studying as the class had a test on Wednesday. Millions of thoughts flooded through her mind but where interrupted when the principal wandered in, a look of worry, concern and sadness written on his face. Luka was next to him with his things. He looked like he was trying to hold back tears and a sob.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Lavigne." The principal began. "But could Marinette and Kagami please pack their things and come with me?"

Kagami and Marinette did just that but what was going on...?!

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