Chapter 12

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Marinette, Kagami and Luka raced through the hospital doors and saw the entirety of the Adrien's class, minus Miss Bustier. For some reason, Ondine and Nicolas weren't there either. Marc was sobbing in a chair while Alix was trying to rub circles on the boy's back to calm him down as he was slightly ticking.

"Alya...?!" Marinette gasped as she raced over to her friends. "What's going on?!"

"Its Nathaniel..." She sobbed.

"Wha-!? What Happened?! Is He OK?!" Marinette began to tear up as multiple different scenarios raced through her head, causing her to become kinda light headed.

"Nate had a really bad outburst with his BPD." Kim explained, having the information thanks to Ondine. "He and Nicolas were heading down the stairs of their apartment to head to school, and he had a rage fulled outburst. Nick tried to calm him down but the railing broke and Nate fell through."

"Is He OK?! How Many flights did he fall?!"

"Only two, thank goodness."

"That's a relief...!"

"What's his condition like?" Kagami questioned.

"He broke his left leg and two ribs on his right and has a severe concussion. But that's only what we know of currently. Other information about his condition is unknown to us at this point in time." Max explained.

Marinette, Kagami and Luka nodded as they took in the information. They knew Nathaniel's BPD could get bad but they didnt realise it could cause accidents like this. Luka wandered over to Adrien while Kagami and Marinette found a seat. Marinette placed her hands in her lap and Kagami placed her own over the latter's. Mari leant her head against Kagami's own, causing some of their friends to turn in their direction.

"Hey, Nino...!" Alya smirked while she nudged her boyfriend in the arm. "Look at Mari and Kagami...!"

"Wha-?" Nino looked over. "Oh...! They look so cute together...!"

"I know...! I ship it...!"

"You have a problem."

"I do not!"


Alya and Nino laughed when a doctor suddenly wandered out to the group. Alix jumped up from where they were sitting with Marc.

"How is he?!" they fired.

"He's stable." The doctor began. "He's sleeping currently. I think it would be best for youvall to go home and come back tomorrow. Visiting hours are over."

Marinette was confused. How were visiting hours over already?! They only just got there and- She looked at her phone and saw it to be 4:00. How did time fly that quickly?! Kagami stood up and offered her hand.

"Well come and visit after school tomorrow, alright?" She said softly.

"... Alright. Kim? Max? Can to tell Ondine to tell Nate that we were all here and hope he gets better soon?"

"Of course." Kim replied.

The group then wandered out and went their separate ways for the night.

Apologies for it being so short, I'm just trying to get this finished as I've kinda lost inspiration. So, again, apologies if this is crappy.

Stay Tuned!


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