Chapter 4

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When Marinette got to school, feeling completely numb inside, she saw Alya sitting by herself. The girls made eye contact before Marinette tore away her gaze and stick her nose in the air, much like Chloé. She satcat the very back, as Nathaniel wouldn't be in today, due to a mental health condition, regarding his BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and Lila had, thankfully, not turned up yet today, either.

Lila walked in and let her face twist intova mix of emotions; disappointed because Nate wasnt there and she couldn't flirt with him, anger and confusion because Marinette was sitting in her seat. Noticing Alya was upset, Lila went and sat next to her instead.

"Hello, Alya...!" She beamed with fakeness.

"Oh... Hey, Lila..."

"What's wrong? Why's Mari not sitting next to you?"

"...We had a fight yesterday and she ended up getting Akumatized..."

"Im so sorry, Alya! That must feel terrible...!"

"Its alright... I just thought she might still wanna talk to me but I guess not..."

"If you don't mind me asking... What did you fight about? I might be able to help."

"I dont think it would be best for me to say as it'll have a negative affect on the others in class..."

"Oh...! Alright then..."

Miss Bustier grabbed the classes attention and they began to start their lesson. About halfway through, Miss Bustier got a call. She answered the phone and left the class to their own devices. Marinette walked down the small set of stairs, avoiding eye contact. She was just out the door when she slammed into Adrien.

"S-Sorry, Marinette...!" the blonde smiled, hand on his nape. "I didnt mean to! Are you-" He could barely finish as the latter shoved past and caused the boy to stumble; a look of hurt on his face. He looked at the group, tears starting to prick his eyes. "Did... Did I do something wrong...?"

"No you didn't, Adrien." Alix replied. "She came to class in a pissy mood. Dont worry about her."

"How was your photoshoot, Dude?" Nino questioned, trying to change the topic.

"It was OK... But I dont think the results will be that good..."

"Why not?"

"I dunno... I was just a bit outta it this morning..."

"Fair enough."

Miss Bustier entered the classroom with a look of worry as she started to gather her belongings.

"Is everything alright, Miss?" Kim questioned.

"Yes, Yes." She replied with a strained smile. She looked up and noticed Adrien but found Marinette "Good Morning Adrien...! Where's Marinette?"

"Bathroom I think." Myléne replied.

"Alright. Im going to have to leave. A substitute will take your class but until then ,Ms. Mendeleiev will be in charge of making sure nothing happens."

"Why do you have to leave?" Rose queeried. "If it's not too rude to ask?"

"You're fine, Rose. Something came up regarding Nathaniel. He's been placed in hospital."

collective gasps and murmurs of worry washed through the classroom.

"Its alright...!" Miss Bustier began, trying to reassure her class. "He had a BPD Split and accidentally hurt himself. All he did was break his arm."

The worry was soon drowned out with sighs of relief. The class waves their teacher off and wnet about their own devices till a substitute arrived.


When Marinette got home that night, she confronted her parents.

Hello sweetheart!" Sabine smiled, clutching a trio of macaroon boxes in her hands before placing them on a shelf.

"How was school, Marinette?" Tom added as he rolled out some dough.

"I wanna change schools." the girl fired, completely ignoring the greetings. This caught bother parents off guard.

"Uh... Well," Tom began, whipping his hands on his apron. He cleared his throat before continuing. "This is a little sudden, Darling. What makes you want to switch?"

"I'm sick of Adrien." Marinette began. "I'm sick of Lila, Alya, EVERYONE! I just want to start over..."

"Well what school did you have in mind?" Marinette pulled out her phone and showed them the school she had chosen. "Ermitage International School of France...?"

"Yes. A school that is close by but I wont run into any of my, so called; friends, on my daily commute there."

"Are you sure?" Sabine queried. "You'll be leaving all tour friends behind. You'll be leaving Juleka, Rose, Max, Kim, Chloé, Sabrina and Nathaniel; the people you've known since preschool."

"I dont care. They're not my friends anymore. I'm done with their friendships."

Tom and Sabine look at eachother with worry. They wanted tocdo what was best for their daughter. with a sigh, the duo nodded. They would allow her to switch schools.

Marinette headed upstairs and to her room. Tikki appeared from Marinette's purse, as the rest of the Kwamis flew into view.

"Are you really sure you want to leave and not try and mend things with everyone, Marinette?" Tikki questioned. Marinette was known to make rash decisions when not in a clear mind space.

"I'm abso-fucking-lutely sure, Tikki." Marinette replied with zero emotion. "I'm done trying to fix things and act like nothing had gotten to me. I tried my best to hide my pain after talking to Adrien after he rejected me. Then I see him dating my Ex?! Now that was a blow to the heart. Next Alya accuses me of being homophobic!"

"Are you?"

"Wha-?! Fuck No, Tikki! Rose and Juleka have been dating since 6th grade and Nathaniel came out as Bisexual end of last year! Why would I be homophobic?!"

"Because you said yesterday when Alya mentioned that Adrien's dad was homophobic you said, and I quote; Then why date a boy? It did come off as slightly homophobic."

"... Whatever. I won't need to worry about them much longer because I'm moving schools so whatever pathetic drama they have going on won't be my problem for much longer."

Marinette then sat down at her desk, picked up her school bag, pulled out her homework and got set on completing the maths questions Ms. Mendeleiev had set.

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