Chapter 11

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Exact same but Quackity's pov
Wilbur had brought me to the park for a date. He was very excited about it. We sit down and then almost as if out of nowhere, it starts raining. I run to the car and start screaming at him to hurry up so we can go. I hate storms. He drove me back to my house, and we laid on my bed for a few hours. We were sitting in science for a while then out of nowhere, he says "Ya know love, you're a little gay."
"Says the guy dating me." I respond.
He kissed the top of my head then grabbed my hand and ran out to the car again. Wilbur, drove us back to the park we where at a few hours ago and pulled me to the field. We sat down and I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes to take a nap.
After about an hour or so, he shook me awake.
"What?" I grumbled.
"We have somewhere to go darling." He whispers in my ear.
I get up and we walk over to the car. We drive over to the café and park. By now I was fully awake. We got out of the car and walked in.
"Wil, the sign says closed." I bugged him.
"I know honey." He says, kissing the top of my head.
Niki walks over to us and jokingly says
"Good afternoon sirs. How may I help you?"
"We have a reservation for Soot." Wilbur tells her.
"Ah yes right this way." She says leading us to a booth with perfect view of the kitchen.
"I'll have a waiter right over." She says walking away.
She mouths 'good luck' to wilbur and smiles. A few minutes later, Eret, walks over with his notepad and pen in hand.
"Good afternoon, I'm Eret and I'll be your waiter for today. What can I get you two to start?" They ask, clearly trying to not burst into laughter.
"A water for me please." Wilbur tells her.
"I'll get a water too." I say.
Eret walks to the kitchen and comes back with two waters. She hands one to each of us and pulls out their pen and paper again.
"Anything else?" He asks.
"Can I get a sweet waffel with fruit and whipped cream." I ask.
"Uhm can I get... a croissant sandwich please?" Wilbur says.
"Of corse!" She tells us walking back to the kitchen.
Our food comes out a few minutes later and I think Quackity can see me starting to sweat. I start eating my sandwich and thinking this through. 'What if he says no? What if he thinks I'm joking? What if he leaves me?' I start to stress over the question.
Luckily Eret comes back. "Everything going well?" They ask.
"Mhm." We both say.
"Okay just call if you need anything." He says going back to the kitchen.
A few seconds later, a song starts to play. I mean there was music before, but this is diffrent. It's a special song. It's 𝘰𝘶𝘳 song. Wilbur and me had both finished our food and were just sitting there. He gets out of his chair and walks over to me. He pulls a little velvet box out of his pocket and get down on one knee.
"Quackity... I've.. I've been in love with you for the longest time and we've been dating for a few years now. Everyday I fall more and more in love with you. Your eyes, your smile, your laugh, hell even your hands are beautiful. Quackity, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. So, w- will you marry me?" He asks me.
He just stares at me for a few seconds.
"Oh Wilbur... Wilbur fucking Soot.... of course I will!" I answer. I have tears in my eyes.
He standsnup and hugs me. I pull wilbur in for a kiss. When I pull out of the kiss, I look back at him. He takes the ring out of the velvet box it was in and slips it onto my finger. I just stand there staring at it for a minute then smiles.
"When we first started dating, I imagined this day. I always thought I'd be proposing to you though." I say to him.
We walk up to the desk where Niki is sat on her phone. Wilbur pays for the food and we go back home.
We run up to my room and collapse onto the small bed. Wilbur grabs my waist. He fell asleep and stayed asleep for 6-ish hours. He wakes up to find me on my phone. I get a notification saying Wilbur has commented: 💍 😘 on my post.
Then he turns off his phone and puts it back. My fiancé snuggles into me and tries to fall back asleep. It's a little hard though because apparently I'm not the most comfy pillow in the world. He keeps on shifting around trying to get comfy, but it just get less comfy if that's possible.
Wilbur then sat up not being able to get comfortable so he goes to get water. He comes back to find my face bright red. His face tells me that he'd realized why it got 'less comfy'.
"Q I- I'm sorry I didn't realize" Wilbur apologises.
"That's fine. You just gotta help me." I reply joking.
His face goes bright red as I says this.
"What do you need help with?" He says, acting innocent.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about Soot." I tells him.

936 words.

I'm tired imma read more though. Ttyl guys

Luv ya /p


You're too pretty {|QUACKBUR|}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora