Chapter 8

340 9 28

Mention of blood and fights


Quackity and I walked to school together like usual. Although we had spent the whole night together, we talked quite a bit. Mostly about crimes and illegal stuff. 

( a/n Dude. There's this kid in my class and we talked about arson and murder together he's also one of the more sane kids in my class)

 When we got to school, we walked our separate ways like usual. I went into music class and sat down in a chair. I don't really know anybody in music class besides... well dream. I know tubbo is also in music class but he's a year younger so he's not in any of my classes. After music, I went to English. The only class I had friends in. I would call Quackity a friend but he's my boyfriend which is diffrent from regular friends. 

When English was over, I ran to the cafeteria to go find quackity. I hadn't seen him in two hours and wouldn't until after his law class. 

(My brother is in law class)

"Hey Q! How are you!" I asked hugging my boyfriend. "I'm fine love. How are you?" He said, hugging back. "Only fine? Why is that?" I asked. "It dosnt matter Wil. How are you?" He said, clearly annoyed with something. "Darling I'm good! I just want to know why you're only fine." I said, concerned about him. "It's nothing darling. I said that already." He reassured me. "If it was Schlatt, I will punch his bitch arse face out of existence." I said. "Yea... it was." Quackity quietly admits. "I'll be right back Ducking. Thanks for telling me." I say, walking towards schlatt's table.

He was sitting at a table with his "friends". They don't actually like him. Nobody does. They just use him for money. I get there and slam my fists down on the table. Getting all of their attention. 

"Shlatt, what did you do to Quackity?" I say. "Woah calm down man. I didn't do shit." He says lieing. "I know you did something to quackity. What the hell did you do?" I say starting to get mad. "Ugh! Fine I might have stolen his beanie and soaked it in the toilet. Could also have been dream though." He admits. "No dream wouldn't do that. I know for a fact, dream wouldn't do something that cruel only you would." I say. This man was pissing me off. "Chill man its not like his beanie was important." Shlatt says. "HE'S HAD THE THING SINCE HE WAS FIVE! OF CORSE ITS FUCKING IMPORTANT!" I shout at him. People start looking. "Okay so? Why would he keep it?" He says not being bothered. "Since I don't want to fight you infront of the whol school, meet me out back after school." I say walking back to quackity. "All good." I say "oh also you don't need to wait for me after school." "What Why?" He asks "I have shit to deal with." I say, kissing the top of his head. 

Time skip to after school bc yeaaa. 

As soon as the last bell rings, I walk to the back of the school. The shitty excuse of a person know as schlatt, was already there. I walked up to him.

"Listen, it's first to bleed, and a Fair fist fight so drop your knifes and lighters and anything else you have. If I win, you can't bully anyone ever again. If you win, you can do something humiliating to me. Got it?" I tell him. "Be prepared for humiliation then bitch." He says. "Got it?" I say again. "Ugh fine. Got it." He agrees.

(Idk how fighting works so be prepared for cringe)

he tries to punch me in the nose but I dodged and kicked him in the nuts. As he fell over from pain, I jumped on his back, and strangle him. Or try to atleast. He stands back up an leans backwards making me fall off if his back. I manage to punch him in the nose pretty hard. His nose starts to bleed rapidly, and he stops fighting. 

"Fine! You win! I won't bully anyone ever again I promise!" He says with terror in his eyes. "Good. Now go get the checked out by the school nurse." I say walking away.

(Little did Wilbur know, schlatt wasn't scared of him but of the 6'7 masked man running towards him at full speed. [He wasn't running at them, he was running at Tommy who was pretty close. To them making it look like he was running at them.])

I walk back to Quackity's house after stopping in the bathroom to wash the blood off of my hands. I get there to find Quackity on the couch asleep. He must have fallen asleep while watching a show.

I turn off the tv, and carry him up to his room. I lay down beside him and cuddle him until I fall asleep. 

777 words!

I decided to end on a happy note so yea. Here you go @Raccoon_Idiot your chapter is done. 

Random emoji time! 🦱 Afro emoji

Imma go read now. Bye guys.


You're too pretty {|QUACKBUR|}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat