Chapter five <3

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I woke up with quackity in my arms. My boyfriend  was fast asleep with his beanie on. I find it funny how he was literally gripping onto me not letting me leave. I smiled then tried to leave but this little bitch just wouldn't let me. 

"Quackity I got to get up." I whined in his ear. "Nooo. You're staying here with me." He said gripping tighter. "What if I carry you with me?" I ask. "Exceptable." He said, wrapping his legs around me so I could pick him up.

I scooped him up and walked downstairs to the living room. His parents were already awake and in there. They didn't take much notice of me carrying their son. Or they just didn't care. I sat down on the couch and quackitys mum came over to me.

"Tea?" She asked. "Oh uhm yes please." I said. She walked back over to the kitchen to make tea while saying "is he just extremely clingy with you or are you in a relationship? Because I've never seen him this clingy with anyone before." Do I lie to his mum? "He's my boyfriend ma'am." I say hoping for the best. "Ah. You know, you can call me Laura." She says going back to the tea.

I blow a sigh of relief. I might be staying here a bit more often. I close my phone because it's going to die soon and turn my attention back the sleeping boy on my lap. I smile. He's so cute when he's asleep. Lips slightly parted, peacefully breathing. I didn't want to wake him up but I know I have to.

"Ducking its time to wake up." I whisper in his ear. "Do I have to?" He asks. "Yes darling your mum is making me tea and I don't want to spill on you so wake up." I said moving him off of me. "But Wil! You're warm and snuggley!" He protested. "Why thank you love!" I say giving him a joking smile.

He crawls back onto my lap and stares at my eyes. Why is he looking at me like that? Is he gonna say something or are we just staring at eachother? 

"My parents are in the room you can't call me those stupid nicknames." He whispers in my ear. "I told them darling it's fine." I say softly, pulling him slightly closer. "Why?" He asked me. "Because your mum asked?" I told him, bringing him closer still. "Did you have to tell her?" He said. "It was that or lie sweetheart." I tell him, bringing him impossibly closer while still not kissing. "I hate you so much." He says. "Love you too duckling~" I say kissing him.

He forgives me and snuggles into my chest a bit more. Just staying there until I'm done my tea. Then, he gets up and walks up to his room. I get up and follow him. I walk into his room to find him back in bed fast asleep. I crawl into his bed being happy we don't have school to go to. 

A few hours later I wake up to find him waiting for me to wake up on  my chest. "Do you want to know something?" I ask him. "Sure." He said. "Did you know that male seahorses are the ones that give birth not the female?"I ask "I know now." He says, slowly falling asleep in my arms. he sure is tired today.

I left him in his bed left him a note, kissed his forehead and walked home. When I got home, my mum was on the couch waiting for me.


"Where have you been?" She screamed at me. "I was at a friend's house. I sent Ren a text." I tell her trying to stay calm. "Well I didn't know where you were." She shouts. "That's Ren's fault not mine." I reply. "That's it go to your room!" She yells pointing upstairs. 

It's done!

I stomp upstairs. 'It's not my fault. I told Ren where I was.' Tommy is at the top of the stairwell. He must have heard everything. He follows me into my room. Closing the door behind him. He walks over to me and sits on my bed beside me. We always do this when one of us gets yelled at. Go sit in one of our rooms not saying anything. Just sitting there all snuggled up to one another. 

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