Not My Type - 02 (1st time periods ??? Congratulations 😏😏😏😏😁)

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"....Jade, this is insane. I am telling you that guy or girl who ever falls in love with you will have to work really hard I mean actually they will need to work their ass off to protect you from those disgusting eye fuckings...."

He told it without removing his eyes from the crowd and continue.

".... Just look at those filthy stares. It really doesn't matter what you wear still they gonna stripped you down in their mind and see you naked. Disgusting bitches they have no shame...."

Jae-Sung said as his ears turned red out of anger.

"....Jae-Sung don't you get tired of saying that all the time???. They ain't gonna stop fucking me with their eyes. I am going through this for my whole freaking life and I kinda used to it now. Just let them be...."

"....And you fucking idiot I will fall in love with a girl one day not with a guy because I am fucking straight you psycho....."

Jade said with a glare.

"...You Don't Know It Yet...."

"....I know Because I've only had sex with girls and I love it...."

"...That is what exactly my point is. You never been with a guy. So you can't be 100% sure about that....."

Jae-Sung told with a smirk.

"....Eehhh Jae-Sung you asshole quit questioning my fucking sexuality. How many time I need to tell you that "I Don't Like To Shove My Fucking Dick In Fucking Ass Which Belongs To A GUY". Ewwww I can't even thinking about it...."

With that Jade put the clinical coat aside and pulled out the chair as Jae-Sung smiled in mocking manner.

"....Exactly that was my point. You have never tried so don't be so sure. And for the record it's not always your dick that goes into the hole when you have sex with a guy. It can be the other way around. You can be the one who getting f...."

Jade looked at him and gave him the usual death glare saying if you say one more word you will be killed. Realizing that, Jae-Sung stopped what he was about to say and smiled with his usual pappy eyes which never fail to get Jade forgive him no matter what.

As expected he let it slip and sat down, leaving the bag on the table, but as soon as his butt landed on the surface of the chair, sharp pain shoot up from his ass and Jade's accidently let out gasp full of pain which was noted by Jae-Sung. But he didn't get a chance to digging the matter because professor David came and student greeted him with loud "Good Morning Professor David" as usual.

After boring four-and-a-half-hour long lecture, they were checking the documents of the patients at the Physiotherapy Clinic of the University Hospital. While Professor David was constantly describing the patients profiles, Jae-Sung's eyes were on Jade, who had been pale to an unusual age like a zombie since morning, and even his eyes were gloomy. Jae-Sung could see that Jade wasn't even writing anything down.

Here he wasn't talking about not anybody but Jade the freaking smart ass in the whole fucking department of physical therapy. He got A+ for every module and he is genius at clinicals too. So not taking notes during the session not sounds like Jade. Not even close. He was brought to his senses by the sound of Professor David pulling out his chair and getting up.

"....Take a 15 minute break. Then let's take patients in....."

Having said that, the professor went out while the students were starting to sit every possible spaces that were available. Jade wiped the thin layer of sweat on his forehead by his palms and leaned against the wall as Jae-Sung approached him.

Not My Type - ( B×B Extreme XXX )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat