Disney Costume party

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I was putting the last finishing touches up on the Disney cupcake display, when James walked in. "Baby this looks amazing! Look at all the food!" I smile and turn to him "thank you honey! Are the kids dressed?" He nods "we are just waiting on you and this little one!"  He says putting his hands on my round belly kissing my lips. "Mommy!!!" I hear my two babies yell out to me.  They came running into the dining room with their costumes on. Harry was dressed as tigger and Grace was dressed as piglet. "Well don't you two look adorable!" I tell them, they ignored me looking at all I've done. James chuckles kissing my cheek. "You go get dressed and I'll go put on a Disney themed movie for us." I smile kissing his lips and walking and waddling up the stairs.

It was about thirty minutes latter when a few of my friends came into my room. I looked at all of their costumes it was so cute! "There's our momma and amazing host!" Marlene yells out, I smile and put on my Pooh bear ears. "That is super cute!" I look in the mirror making sure I didn't miss anything.  I was wearing a yellow dress that stretched over my belly, a red crop top that said Pooh in yellow, and light makeup with red lip stick. "Thanks! Y'all all look great

As I come downstairs I hear "Stop Harry! Daddy!" Cassie cried out, Sirius side eyes James and sighs "a mini Prongs I swear." Remus laughs as I give them a confused look "all I wanted to do is give you this flower and ask if you would sit by me while we watch movies?" I smile sweetly at my son. Cassiopeia stops and smiles at Harry "I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to pull on my mouse ears too, like they did." He shakes his head, but smiles when she takes the flower and hand. I smile at my kid, but I look back at the two wizards in front of me. I look to Marlene who is standing beside me in her cinderella costume. "Marlene.." she looks to me with a mouthful "what?" I raise an eyebrow "so attractive honey" she snorts and swallows her food "that's not what you wanted to ask, ask me."

I watch James as he stands with his parents who are dressed as marry poppins characters. "What did they mean when he was a mini prongs? The way he said it just wasn't a compliment, like a sorta..I don't know" she sighs and looks evilly at her husband. "Sirius Orion Black!" Prince Charming snaps his head over "ah yes! My darling cindere-" he stops when he sees the look on her face. My daughter walks in "mommy there's someone at the door." I nod and follow my baby girl, my best guy friend in the whole world was not happy. "What's wrong?" His eyes grow big "I don't think you should answer it, go get James." I shake my head "sis please" he says quietly. I give him a questionable look and turn the door knob as pandora walks off.

I open it, it was a pretty red head "yes? How can I help you?" I ask with a smile. She scowls at me "I'm here to see James" I ask her why "your the wife right? The muggle?" I nod "I wanted to let him know about the baby he has growing inside me. I guess he realized that he wanted a witch and not a pathetic muggle."  I hear James behind me "Lily what are you doing here?" She smirks looking at me. I step back and let them have a moment.

I look at Reggie and he walks with me to the bathroom. We stay in silence for a moment "you can't believe anything she says, I saw her face when you shook your head. She was an evil bitch then and an eviler bitch now. They haven't told you, but James thought Lily was the one for him in Hogwarts. For four years he tried to get her to even talk to him and she never did. She insulted him all the time, it was horrible." He stopped and wiped my tears away.

Gosh these hormones "I know it sucks she said that and I'm so sorry she did, but you are not pathetic. He loves you, we all love you don't let her words get to you and i bet she's not even pregnant. I'm so happy my brother met you and married you. Now we are going to walk out there, you are going to be happy at your party that you worked so hard on lovey, and we are going to have fun. Okay?" I nod and tell him he can go that I have to pee, he nods and walks out.

I stare at myself in the mirror and tell myself that I can't be like this, I have kids and a party I planned. I take a deep breath and walk out the bathroom door. James takes my hand and walks up to the bedroom. I sit on the bed as he walks back and forth "i can't believe she would even ask me that!" I look at him and ask worriedly "what did she ask you?" His head snaps over so fast with a look of concern "what did she tell you?" My bottom lip wobbles "honey.." a single tear falls down my face he kneels down in front of me wiping it away. "She told me that you both are having a baby together, which I didn't really believe that part, but what hurts is when she said that you wanted a witch and not a p..pathetic muggle like me." His face held so much anger in that moment I've never seen it before. 

He shakes his head and puts his hands on my cheeks "one I would never cheat on you, you are it for me, the love of my life. This family we have created is a blessing, you my love are a blessing, are you are not a pathetic muggle...you are my muggle, the muggle I fall asleep with every night, the muggle I wake up to, the muggle mommy of our children, the muggle of my life that I fell in love with and I couldn't thank God enough for sending you to me." I smile and kiss his lips he smiles into the kiss as he kisses me back. Putting his forehead on mine, he says "let's go party huh?" I smile and nod as he takes my hand helping me walk down the stairs

"There's our beautiful momma!" I smile at Marlene. "I'm fine really.." James stands behind me in his Christopher Robin costume "I'm not leaving" I giggle "babe you can go, i promise I won't leave you if you walk away." He laughs and kisses my lips "better not my love." Reggie, Marlene, Narcissa, Bella, and Barty were inside with me in the dining room, everyone else was outside "I can't believe she just walked in here and asked him that! He would never do that! And to lie to you! She better hope that I see her never again." Marlene rants as barty asks her "weren't you two friends." Marlene scoffs "clearly not" we all nod now wanting to open the can of worms.

After we all ate we watched different Disney movies until it was time to announce the winner of the contest. I looked around and made a list.

James,Harry, Grace, baby, and I- Winnie the Pooh
Reggie, pandora, Luna-rupunzel
Remus, Holly, Teddy- the little mermaid
Sirius, Marlene, cassie- cinderella
Alice, Frank, Neville- monsters inc
The Weasleys- snow white and the seven dwarfs
Narcissa, Lucy, and Draco- the nightmare before Christmas
Bella and Rudolphus, Leo- Tarzan Jane and monkey
Barry, Rabastan, and Aurora- Peter Pan and Captain Hook with baby tink
Euphemia and Fleamont- marry poppins and Mr. Dawes

I turn in James's lap since he won't let me go. "Who do you think won honey?" He smirks "I for one love the Malfoy's costumes, but I love ours the best." I giggle "we can't choose ours and I was thinking the same thing, seeing Draco dressed up as oogie boogie, like that is so cute!" He nods and kisses my cheek "what do they get if they win." I gasp "I knew I forgot something!" I whine as James holds me closer to him "it's fine baby, we don't have to do it. Everyone is having a great time as it is. Let's just enjoy our time together." I nod and kiss his lips cuddling back into him.

Looking around at our family, I can just say I am one blessed muggle.

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