Christmas vacation suprise! 🧨

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"Babe.. it's time to get up! We need to go!" Freddrick yells, I moan and stick my face into the pillow more. "All the good beds are going to be taken.." I push myself up from the mattress. I turn and look at the clock. It's eight in the morning! I snap my head towards Freddy. "What the hell Freddy! We have like five  more hours till we need to leave!" He laughs and pulls me out of bed to where I'm standing up. "We've already packed. I just need you to get dressed!"  I roll my eyes and grumble as I was  walk away, I hear his laugh and close the door.

When I  was done getting ready I walk out throwing my sweater over my head. I see that  he has our bags and gifts ready to go. We are going to apparate there. "You are wayyy to excited for it to be this early on a Saturday!" He grabs my hand and pulls me toward him and grins and we apparate to a beautiful cabin in the woods. Dad has has this cabin for a while now.

We walk in and it's completely empty. I  turn towards Fred. "Its Christmas! Where's all the spirit?" He shrugs and told me to ask my dads. I roll my eyes and go outside to our storage shed. I know that there is decorations in there. "FREDDY!" I yell to him, he walks out the cabin to me. "What's up?" I point towards to the tubs  of decorations "help me please!? We have a a few more hours till our parents get here. We can surprise them!" He kisses my check and grabs a tub. There was about five of them. I grabbed the little stuff. Stuff that wasn't that heavy. Bless him.

He opens up the tree box and starts putting the tree together. I open  up the box start decorating the kitchen. It was eleven. Dang one more hour till our parents get here. I walk out of the kitchen to see him walking down the stairs. "Everything good up there!?" He nods and points to the tree. "That's the only thing we haven't decorated and by the way babe the living room to the kitchen looks amazing! I walk up and wrap my arms around him and give him a kiss. 

As he was putting the last Christmas ornament on the tree my dads and little brother walk in. "Wooow. Look at this place! See I told you if we got Fred to wake cassie up early she would decorate!"
I shake my head with a smile on my face. "dang dad making me do all the work huh!?" Fred clears his throat I turn my head towards him "got something in your throat there!?" I snort as I try to walk away he grabs my arm and pulls me to him. He grins and starts tickling me. "Okay okay I give!" Laughing he stops  "Fred did most of it." I give him a kiss on the cheek and get up and walk towards my dads and hug them . "I missed you guys!" My brother snorts when I turn to him he has a smile with open arms. "You just saw us yesterday!" I hug him. My fathers are remus lupin and Sirius black. When I was younger they adopted Leo. Leo is the same age as Harry our god  brother,   I'm the same age as the twins. My brother and I have a very close bond.

A few seconds later the Weasleys walk in. "It's so beautiful! You two out did yourselves!" I look up to Fred with a smile. Behind them were the potters "PADFOOT!" I hear uncle prongs yell as he runs up to my dad. I roll my eyes and laugh. Aunt Lilly comes up to me and hugs me. "You have everything for the surprise?" She whispers. I nod my head with a smile, she is the only one who knows what my surprise is.

After everyone was here and we all had given our hugs and welcomes. We just hung out for the first day drinking hot cocoa and talking. The presents were almost taking up the entire living room area. Good thing we decided to have it here. When I looked up at the clock it was ten at night. "I don't know about you guys but I'm heading to bed. Goodnight see you guys on Christmas Day " I say with a smile I walk into Fred's and I shared bedroom. I shower and get into the bed. I was slipping into deep sleep when I felt a arm wrap around me and pull me towards their warm body. He kisses my neck and whispers goodnight.


I wake up earlier than everyone to go put my tags  on the presents. It says open me last! unwrap me in number order!! I walk into the kitchen and start making breakfast. Aunt Lilly walks up beside me and starts helping me. "Poor molly is still out, she was telling me last night how exhausted she was. I don't blame her. I told her I would make breakfast and let her sleep in, now I have someone to help me! Are you ready cass? For your surprise!?" I nod my head with a smile. "Just worried about how everyone will take it." She stops and smiles to me "they are going to be thrilled for you! Especially Sirius, oh my gosh that's going to be a show!" We laugh

A little while later when we had everything set up, We heard footsteps running down the stairs and people were sitting down at the table. I had already had some fruit and water. My nerves were bad. Although what aunt Lilly did  say to me kinda calmed me down, I still wasn't. Fred comes walking down the stairs looking for me. Spotting me in the kitchen sipping my hot chocolate. He walks up and gives me a kiss. "Kinda disappointed when I woke up, you weren't there, but thanks for making breakfast and letting my mom sleep in babe." I give him a smile and wrap my arms around him. "Better thank Lily too, she did most of it." He kisses me on the forehead and walk towards Lily.

When everyone was done eating everyone sat around the tree. It was present time. I sat by aunt Lily so I can hold her hand. Everyone read the tag and saved my presents for last. Staring with remus he opens his it was a doctor Seuss book. He looks at it confusingly. Sirius was next he opened his and pulled out diapers. We all laughed "okay who did this!?" It started going around the room to everyone else. I even had a gift for myself so no one would get suspicious. I got me a doctor Seuss book too. Everyone was looking confused at the baby rattles, baby shoes, baby clothes, diapers. Until It got to Fred, I think some people have figured out someone here was pregnant but didn't know who. I grab onto aunt Lily's hand and squeeze it, She squeezes back.

He opens it his gift was a letter board. He reads it aloud " hope your ready, anther prankster is coming to the family July 2004" he freezes and slowly turns his head towards me. No body is saying anything yet I hear a few sniffles though. "Are you for real!?" He asks with tears coming to his eyes. I nod my head "a month and a half actually." He gets up and holds out his hand for me to take. He kisses me and hugs me "this makes what I'm about to do so much better." He takes both of my hands and lowers himself to where he is on one knee. I stop breathing for a moment. Is this really happening! "I can't remember what I was going to say. I'm just so happy and freaking blessed that you were sent to me." He has happy tears coming out of his eyes. " "ughh I can't quit crying!" I giggle and he continues " since the first day I saw you at Hogwarts I knew you were going to be my forever. We hit it off and became best friends.,By year six we started dating. You have been a blessing from God to my family and I can't thank you enough. And now I'm so happy to be creating one with you. Cassiopeia Regulus Lupin- black. Will you add the Weasley name to your name and become my wife?" I didn't say anything for a minute, I m freaking out in the head. I just can't believe that this is happening. "Um babe.. I kinda need an answer.." I snap out of my shocked state wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. I whisper "yes!" Everyone yells in excitement as he slips the ring onto my finger and kisses me again.

Someone grabs my arm a pulls me toward them. "I'm going to be a grandpa!" He says bawling. "The diaper thing was not funny by the way. You could of had given me a baby rattle." I laugh and tell him "dad you know your going to need them now in your old age." He scoffs and kisses my head and hands me off to The other dad. "Can't believe my baby is getting married and having a baby. I'm so proud of you little star.I can't wait to become a grandfather!" I squeezed him a little tighter. Leo comes and pulls me to him "I'm a fridgin uncle! Can't believe you hid this from me for a month!" He gives me a pointed look. "I wanted it to be a surprise!" He laughs and responds "well it was a bloody good one at that!"

After all the hugs and congratulations, dinner, and Christmas movies. It was getting late I told everyone goodnight. I was exhausted! I took my ring off to put it on my night stand. I look at it with the biggest smile. I became his fiancé! I still can't believe it! I took my shower and laid down in bed. I couldn't go to sleep so I grabbed my book my dad got me. My original classic that I love. Alice in wonderland. A little while later Freddy comes into the room. "Everyone started to head to bed after you did. George, Harry, Leo, and I stayed to clean up." He walks towards me and kisses me. " I love you." We both say at the same time to each other. He walks to the bathroom to take his shower and I read my book until he came out. With a towel wrapped around his waist. Quidditch did him good! That body will be mine forever. No way I laugh to myself. "See something you like my love?" I shake my head "I see something I love" I say to him with a smile. He laughs and climbs into bed. He pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me. He picks up my left hand and admires the ring he bought. "I'm so happy you said yes, I was a little scared when you didn't say anything for the first few minutes." I turn my head towards him "I was just in shock I was going to say yes. I thought I was the only one with a surprise but I guess not." He kisses me and I lay my head back down. "Can't believe we are having a baby! Mom couldn't quit crying! It's her first grandchild, I don't blame her. I thought she was going to crush you in that hug though." I smile to him my eyes were getting heavier, slowly closing. I tired to stay up but I was just so tired. He chuckles. "Go to sleep babe, you don't have to stay up." He kisses me cheek and I close my eyes and go to sleep.

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