Dadfoot's Birthday Party!! 🪄♥️ wolfstar daughter hp

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"Did you bake it?"  A very excited marauders come walking into my bakery. "Yes I did"  He has a huge smile on his face when I said that. "Can I see it?" I shake my head no. His smile then disappear. "And why not?" Uncle James asks "because I haven't finished decorating it. I just got the cupcakes out." He nods "we only have an hour and a half left. I hope you can get them done by then." I nod to uncle James "always!." I hear him taking something from the display case. "Dang these are soo good. You have a talent for this!" I smile to them "thank you!"  He starts walking out probably to get ready for the party. "Bye sweets!" "Ciao! See ya in a little bit."

What he  doesnt know is that I've already decorated the cake. I'm just on the last few cupcakes. When I was done I quickly went upstairs to my flat that I own above my bakery. The flat is kinda like.  half storage half a room for me.

I got dressed in a aqua blue dress that brings out my curves and I done my hair half up half down and put on my silver heels and walked back downstairs to see my lovable fiancé the boy who lived. Mr Harry Potter. He was already picking up the cupcakes to put them in the car. "Your here early!" I say as I kiss his cheek. He smiles and kisses my lips. "Yeah I wanted to come help you with the cupcakes and cakes. Babe they smell really good and you look really really good." He says as his dark eyes travel my body up and down.

I blush and smile saying  "thank you! I tried my best for my dad I really did." He smiles "he's going to love it I know he is. You haven't stopped on this birthday cake for a month." I quickly grab a cake box as he grabs the huge cupcake boxes. "Why do you have five boxes love?" I shrug my shoulders. We put the cakes in the truck and roll out. It's only a ten minute drive from the bakery. When we get there, there was already a lot of people! "Why is there so many people before I even get here! I'll never see my dads now." Harry laughs at my dramatics. "Come on love it's not that bad...." I was never good with huge crowds. Its why I always liked to get there first before people started coming in.

We start walking up the drive way with the boxes when I hear uncle James's voice. "Hey great your both here! Everyone is outback, no one is in the house." Oh thank goodness! "See I told you it wouldn't be that bad." I shoot him a glare and walk inside. "It's colorful?" There's colors everywhere, definitely uncle James's planning. I've been told about their Hogwarts days. "Look at it after we got the cake ready."

We walk to the cake table where I put the cake boxes down and Harry puts the cupcakes on the kitchen counter and goes out to get the others. "Why is there so many boxes?" Uncle James asks I shrug, Harry then comes back in with the other cake boxes. I start putting the cupcakes and cakes where I would like them to look. When I was done I asked uncle James how he likes it. He said he loved and I'm ok with that. Harry then kisses me and walks outside. I was fixing up a few things when I hear a familiar voice that i loved.

"There's our baby girl Moony!" I turn to see my dads walk into the kitchen from outside. I smile to them as they walk over "how's the party going daddy?" I ask as I hug him "it's great! It would be more fun if you were outside." I laugh "dad I just got here. I was putting your display together. I got a surprise for you. His surprise is that he was expecting a small cake. I made him a three layered cake with lights going in the middle. On one of my cakes it says on the front happy birthday , but on the other side it says "I love you to the moon and back daddy!"

 On one of my cakes it says on the front happy birthday , but on the other side it says "I love you to the moon and back daddy!"

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"Oh... I love it so much!" He then turns to me "I love you my sweets! This is the best cake I have ever seen and to know you made it just for me..." he starts crying. I look at dad for answers "he's emotional right now, I think he's been drinking." Dad shakes his head "no I'm just happy and blessed that I have you both!" I smile to him and daddy and I wrap him them in  a hug. "Happy birthday daddy!" I say and kiss him on the cheek.

As the party went on it was time to open gifts. I was sitting on the couch beside Harry. He's arms on my shoulders. He's holding me close to him. "You sure this is the best time to tell him? He's already emotional." I giggle and kiss his lips "of course it is. I wanted to surprise them!" I look up to him to see him looking at me with love in his eyes. "What's this?" I look towards my dads holding the present Harry and I got him. He reads the tag and then looks up to Harry and I. "What did you two get me?" Harry takes my hand in his. I can tell he's a little nervous. "Come on he's your Godfather you'll be fine."

I hear a gasp and turn back around to see both my dads with tears in their eyes. "You and you?" I nod then Sirius burst into tears. I look towards Harry on what to do. "I'm sorry.." I get up and go to them "I didn't mean to make you both cry I just thought it would be a good present." They hold me close to them. I look to see Harry beside Ron and Hermione. Aunt Lily and uncle James behind them looking confused. My father Remus picks up the gift again. "I can't believe my cub.." he looks at me happily with tears running down his face.

"Would someone tell us what it  is? It's got to be good you have both of them crying." I hear aunt Marlene say. "We are going to be grandparents!" I smile to Harry with tears coming to my eyes. I watch Lily and James look at Harry with surprise.

"Suprise!" He told them uncle James looks at dad and dad back at him. They run to each other in a hug. "We grandparents padfoot!"
Lily and dad start talking about how many months I could be. I look to Harry getting a earful from Hermione. "You didn't tell us! Your best friends!" He smiles to me meeting my eyes. "She didn't want to tell anyone until she told her dads. And here we could do it all at once." I feel someone wrap their arms around my shoulders from behind I know who's arms these are. "I'm gonna be a uncle?" I nod "yes Draco you are. Are you going to give me a earful too for not telling you?" He shakes his head no "you would've told me when you were ready."

"I'm going to be a uncle dad said?" I smile over to the brown haired boy and his girlfriend victorie. {they are going to be in their teens}
"Yep and why are you late?" He glances down at victorie. "No reason" he walks over and gives me a big hug. "Don't be getting her pregnant, my gosh I can only do one baby at a time.!" He laughs and says "no worries. We are being careful.. unlike you." I roll my eyes and give him the middle finger. He laughs "you shouldn't be doing bad things now that your pregnant." I shake my head and laugh "have you seen the cake?" He nods "yeah you did a fucking great job on that." I smack his arm "language there is a baby present." I hear laughing behind me and turn to see Harry "damn right it is. We need to clean up or dirty language before the baby gets here." I nod

A little while later I sit in the recliner in the living room watching my family. They are all having a good time with huge smiles. I smile down to my stomach rubbing the non existent belly that had yet to grow. "Your going to be so loved little one you just wait!" I see a pair of shoes that come to stand in front of me. I look up to see Harry smiling down at me he puts his hand on my stomach and gives me a kiss.

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