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Ok ok ok .......There was a question about "is Yoongi a girl"

I'm here to be your knight and shining armor and explain a few things

If you've ever heard of the word Intersex you know..............what I'm talking about

If you haven't got out of the word intersex I'll explain it it means having both genitals of a female and a male.

In this case omegas are are intersex without a male get what I'm saying 😩

Answer these because I'm a nosy bitch

Have you ever been to Jamaica

Did/Are you studying French at your school( I am and it's not hard to be honest I'm just lazy and I have test in the next week)

Do you have a car

Do you know Spanish

Should I write two chapters in this month of Valentine(I don't have one🙄)

Adieu my petals

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